Great books of the Western world / Robert Maynard Hutchins, editor in chief.- - Chicago : Enclopaediia Britannica , 1952. - 54 vols. : ill., maps.

Includes bibliographical references

CONTENTS : Vol. 1. The great conversation, by R. M. Hutchins. Vol 2-3. The great ideas. Vol. 4. The Iliad of Homer. The Odyssey. Vol. 5. Aeschylus. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes. Vol. 6. Herodotus. Thucydides. Vol. 7. Plato. Vol. 8-9. Aristotle. Vol. 10. Hippocrates. Glen. Vol. 11. Euclid. Archimedes. Apollonius of Perga. Nicomachus. Vol 12. Lucretius. Epictetus. Marcus Aurelius. Vol. 13. Virgid. Vol. 14. Plutarch. Vol. 15. Tacitus. Vol. 16. Pololemy. Copernicus. Kepler. Vol. 17. Plotinus. Vol. 18. Augustine. Vol. 19-20. Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 21. Dante. Vol. 22. Chaucer. Vol. 23. Machiavelli. Hobbes. Vol. 24. Rabelais. Vol. 25. Montaigne. Vol. 26-27. Shakespeare. Vol. 28. Gilbert Galileo. Harvey. Vol. 29. Cervantes. Vol. 30. Francis Bacon. Vol. 31. dosartes. Spinoza. Vol. 32. John Milton. Vol. 33. Pascal. Vol. 34. Newton. Huygens. Vol. 35. Locke. Berkeley. Hume. Vol. 36. Swift. Sterne Henry Fieldings. Vol. 38. Montesquieu. Rousseau. Vol. 39. Adam Smith. Vol. 40-41. American state papers. The Federalist J. S. Mill. Vol. 44. Boswell Vol. 45. Lavoisier. Fourier. Faraday. Vol. 46. Hegel. Vol. 47. Goethe. Vol. 48. Melville. Vol. 49. Darwin. Vol. 50. Marx. Vol. 51. Tolstoy. Vol. 52. Dostoevsky. Vol. 53. William James. Vol. 54. Freud.

--Literature - Collections.--Literature - Indexes.