Business Horizons / - Amsterdam, The Ntherlands : Elsevier Inc., 2008. - [iv], 80 p. : ill., charts - 6

Business Horizons

Volume 51, Number 2 March-April 2008

Editor's Perspective
From the battlefield to the boardroom
Catherine M. Dalton 79

Featured Articles
Corporate governance in the post Sarbanes-Oxley
period: Compensation disclosure and analysis (CD&A)
Dan R. Dalton and Catherine M. Dalton 85

What's in a relationship? The case of commercial
Gregory F. Udell 93

Spotlight on pensions
Laureen A. Maines 105

Managers and their not-so rational decisions
S. Trevis Certo, Brian L. Connelly, and Laszlo Tihanyi 113

Strategic transformation as the essential last step
in the process of business turnaround
John A. Pearce II and D. Keith Robbins 121

Transcendent leadership
Mary Crossan and Daina Mazutis 131

Time bandits: How they are created, why they are
tolerated, and what can be done about them
David J. Ketchen, Jr., Christopher W. Craighead,
and M. Ronald Buckley 141

Human resource management: challenges for
graduate education
James C. Wimbush 151

BOOKS ON THE HORIZON by Mimi Dollinger
Last Harvest: How a Cornfield became New Daleville:
Real Estate Development in America from George
Washington to the builders of the Twenty-first
century, and why we live in houses anyway
Witold Rybczynski 155

Deep economy: The wealth of Communities and
the Durable future
Bill McKibben 156

Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the
World came into being and why no one saw it coming
Paul Hawken 157

Leading for growth: How Umpqua Bank got cool and
created a culture of greatness
Ray Davis with Alan Schrader 158



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