Business Horizons / - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Elsevier Inc., 2012. - [iv], 108 p. : ill., charts graphs - 6

Business Horizons

Voume 55, Number 3 May-June 2012

Special Issue
Strategic marketing in a changing world

Guest Editors' Perspective
Strategic marketing in a changing world
Victoria L. Crittenden and William F. Crittenden 215

Featured Articles
Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business
Shaker A. Zahra and Satish Nambisan 219

The Global family business: Chanllenges and drivers
for cross-border growth
Vijay K. Patel, Torsten M. Pieper, and Joseph F. Hair Jr. 231

Competing with emerging market multinationals
Ravi Ramamurti 241

Release the constraints: Solving the problems of export
financing in troublesome times
David A. Griffith and Michael R. Czinkota 251

Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative
consumers: Implications for international marketing
Pierre R. Berthon, Leyland F. Pitt, Kirk Plangger,
and Daniel Shapiro 261

Redirecting direct selling: High-touch embraces high-tech
Linda Ferrell and O.C. Ferrell 273

How focused identities can help brands navigate a
changing media landscape
S. Adam Brasel 283

Identifying new product development best practice
Gloria Barczak and Kenneth B. Kahn 293

Organizational Performance
Corporate political activity: The good, the bad,
and the ugly
Sean Lux, Russell Crook, and Terry Leap 307

Business Law & Ethics Corner
America's addiction to tontines
Thomas Bowers 313

Books on the Horizon by Steven M. Backs
I'm feeling lucky: The confessions of Google employee
Number 59
Douglas Edwards 319

Littke bets: How breakthrough ideas emerge from
small discoveries
Peter Sims 320

Make it in America: The case for Re-inventing the
Andrew N. Liveris 321

The Big Thrist: The secret life and turbulent future of
Charles Fishman 322



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