Mattews- Martin, Anne and Gould- Sims, Joanie

Themes in family care- giving : implications for social work practice with older adults / Themes in family care- giving : implications for social work practice with older adults / Joanie Sims- Gould and Anne Martin- Matthews - Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, December, 2008. - 1572- 1587 p. - Monthly - December, 2008. - Volume 38, Number 8 .

This study advances the understanding of family care- giving by examining the provision of care to an older relative by adult children. It focuses on examining 'who helps whom' by extending analyses beyond the typical dyadic focus on care- giving in later life. The data for this research are derived from CARNET: The Canadian Aging Research Network's survey of employed Canadians. Specifically, the analysis focuses on verbatim data collected from fifty- five CARNET respondents with significant care- giving responsibilities. Through in- depth analysis of verbatim data, five themes in care- giving are identified: the presence an importance of absent care- givers, the presence of multiple care recipients, the participation of men in helping and care- giving networks. Three descriptive care- giving vignettes are used to illustrate the five themes. Conclusions underscore the implications for professional practice, policy and research when the lens of care- giving is extended to include multiple care- givers and care recipients.

Older adults