Hamilton Paul

Working girls: abuse or choice in street- level sex work? a study of homeless women in nottingham / Working girls: abuse or choice in street- level sex work? a study of homeless women in nottingham / Paul Hamilton - Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, September, 2009. - 1118- 1137 p. - Monthly - September, 2009. - Volum 39, Number 6 .

This paper uses fifteen indices of abuse and a definition of 'coercion' as 'constraint, restraint, compulsion; the application of force to control the action of a voluntary agent' (OED Online, 2006) to explore how homeless women understand their choice to sex work. Twenty- six homeless women were interviewed, nine of whom had sex worked. A structured, qualitative questionnaire was used in a case study design from which information was gathered about the relationship between a woman's experience of abuse and coercion and her decision to sex work. By exploring the motivations given by women as to why they sex worked, it is argued that homeless women's decisions are, in part, a consequence of systematic familial abuse and coercion from abusive partners. However, in responding to the complex needs of such women, it is also suggested that 'abuse' and 'coercion' should not routinely equate to 'victimhood'. Consequently, our findings challenge the homogenous approach to 'victimization' as demonstrated within the government's Prostitution Strategy (Home Office, 2006a). Subsequently when working with abused and coerced homeless women who choose to sex work.

working girls