Caribbean Journal of Science - Mayagüez, Puerto Rico : University of Puerto Rico, - vol. - Quarterly

VOL.48 NO.2/3, 2014
Spatial and temporal variability of Caribbean yellow band disease prevalence in Orbicella spp. Off La Parguera, Puerto Rico p.81
Soto-Santiago, F.J. and E. Weil
Digital mapping of the coastline evolution of cocos bay (Manzanilla), Trinidad p.103
Darsan, J.
Record of skunk, conepatus (Carnivora: Mephitidae) for Pleistocene-Holocene of northern South America p.117
Ruiz-Ramoni, D., A.D. Solorzano and A.D. Rincon
Seasonal insectivory of the Antillean fruit-eating bat (Brachyphylla cavernarum) p.127
Lenoble, A., B. Angin, J.B. Huchet and A. Royer
Effect of implanted PIT-Tags on growth, survival, and tag retention in the sea urchin Tripneustes ventricosus p.132
Rodriguez-Barreras, R. and J. Sonnenholzner
Bird communities of contrasting secondary habitats of Bonaire, in the arid south eastern Caribbean p.138
Debrot, A.O., R.Bemmelen and J. Ligon
A decade of Archiological research on Cariacou, Granadine Islands, West Indies p.151
Fitzpatrick, S.M., Q. Kaye, M. Kappers and C.M. Giovas
First record of the Caribbean green turtle (Chelonia Mydas) grazing on invasive seagrass (Halopila stilacea) p.162
Becking, L.E., T. Van Bussel, A.O. Debrot and M.J.A. Christianen

VOL.48 NO.1, 2014
Density of diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidae) on live coral patch reefs and dead Acropora cervicornis rubble patches near loggerhead key, dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA p.1
Pomory, C.M., J.E. Wright, T.F. Dabruzzi, D. Howsden, L. O’Boyle, D. Beddick, W. Bretana, L. Onjukka, C. Somerset, and W.A. Bennett
Seed removal by an introduced scatter-hoarder on a Caribbean Island p.9
Taylor, B., K. Ickes, and S.J. DeWalt
Density, age structure, and length of queen conch (Strombus gigas) in shallow-water aggregations in the sapodilla Cayes marine reserve, Belize p.18
Cigliano J.A., and R.M. Kliman
Regional variability in drought as a function of the Atlantic Multidecadal Scillation p.31
Elder, R.C., R.C. Balling, Jr., R.S. Cerveny, and D. Krahenbuhl
Report of thecacineta calix (Ciliophora: Suctorea) as an epidiont of harpacticoid copepods from Caribbean mesophotic reefs p.44
Chatterjee T., G. Fernandez-Leborans, and N.V. Schizas
First record of the striped yellow-eared bat, vampyriscus nymphaea, (Stenodermatinae, Phyllostomidae) in Honduras p.49
Mora, J.M., L. Marineros, and L.I. Lopez
Bait matrix flavor preference by mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Puerto Rico: implications for oral rabies vaccination p.52
Berentsen, A.R., S.R. Jhonson, and K.C. VerCauteren
First stranding and sighting of the false killer whale (Pseudora crassidens) off Puerto Rico p.59
Merten, W., and G. Rodriguez-Ferrer
Additions to the hypodigm of the extinct swan island hutia (Geocapromys thoracatus, Capromyidae; Rodentia) p.63
Tonge, S.
Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae): a recent introduction to the continental waters of Venezuela p.66
Vera, B., L. Collado-Vides, C. Moreno, and B.I. Van Tussenbroek
Documenting manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) presence at Turneffe Atoll, Belize, Central America and its conservation significance p.71
Edwards, H.H., S.B.P. Stone, E.M. Hines, N.A. Gomez, and B.E. Winning
Rapid procedure for separating high-lipid containing Chlorella sp. p.76
Bracero, V., W. Rosado, and N.S. Govind
VOL.47 NO.2/3, 2013
Fossil echinoids from the upper Pliocene Hopegate formation of north central Jamaica p.125
Donovan, S.K. and R.W. Portell
Composition among surface roots in a selectively-logged, semi-deciduous forest in southeastern Mexico- effects on seedlings of two species of contrasting shade tolerance p.140
Dickinson, M., D. Whigham
Post-dispersal seed predation rates in Puerto Rico pasture p.153
Carlo, T.A., M.L. Flores-Mangual and M.A. Caraballo-Ortiz
Marine mammals of the northeastern Caribbean windward Dutch islands: Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, and the Saba bank p.159
Adolphe O. Debrot, A. O., N. Esteban, T. Bervoets, P. C. Hoetjes and M. Scheidat
Population genetics and reintroduction performance of solanum concarpum, an endemic shrub of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands p.173
Standford, A.M., G.J. Ray, V. Forbes, and L. Mustafa
The trace fossil teredolites longissimus Kelly and Bromley, 1984, from the Eocene of Curacao p.181
Donovan, S.K.
Discolored foraminifera around St. Kitts, eastern Caribbean Sea, and their environmental significance p.186
Wilson, B., J.I. Wilson, K. Orchard and J. Phillip
A new list of Cuban crinoids (Echinodermata: Crinoidae) p.198
Rodriguez-Barreras, R. and C.G. Messing
Thermal tolerance and metabolic responses of two damselfish species from a hyperthermic rockpool nursery in Dry Tortugas National Park, USA p.213
Dabruzzi, T.F., A.G. Jimenez, J.E. Speaks, S.R. Stoler, M.A. Sutton, C.M. Pomory and W.A. Bennett
Vegetation communities on little Tobago Island, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Composition and abiotic and biotic controls on distribution p.220
Boodram, N. and M.P. Oathman
Density and structure of a queen conch strombus gigas (Mollusca: Strombidae) population at Desembaro del Granma National Park, Cabo Cruz, Cuba p.242
Cala, Y.R., A. de Jesus-Navarrete, F. A. Ocana and J.J. Oliva-Rivera
Home range, movement rates, and habitat use of queen conch, strombus gigas, in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands p.251
Doer, J.C. and R.L. Hill
Preliminary investigation of pre-Columbian sites on the islands of mostique and union in the grenadines, West Indies p.260
Fitzpatrick, S.M., M. Kappers, M. Clark and J. Stone
Visual-acoustic survey of cetaceans during a seismic study in the southeast Caribbean Sea, April-June 2004 p.273
Smultea, M.A., M. Holst, W.R. Koski, S. Stoltz Roi, A.J. Sayegh, C. Fossati, H.H. Goldstein, J. Beland, S. MacLean and S. Yin
Fossil bats from the late Pleistocene Red Hills Road Cave, Jamaica p.284
Ouwendijk, M., L.W. van den Hoek Ostende and S.K. Donovan
Status of mangrove forests in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies p.291
Juman, R. and D. Ramsewak
The aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of Jamaica, their hosts, predators, parasitoids and other associates p.305
Hall, T.A. and E. Garraway
Defensive responses of neotropical harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) to generalist invertibrates predators p.325
Cook, D.R., A.T. Smith, D.N.Proud, C. Vique and V.R. Townsend Jr.
First records of day roosts of the nectar-feeding bat lichonycter obscura (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) p.335
Villalobos-Chaves, D., B. Rodriguez-Herrera and M. Tschapka
Diet and sexual dimorphism in the curly-tailed lizard leiocephalus macropus (Sauria: Tropiduuridae) at yacabo Abajo, Guantanamo Province, Cuba p.339
Alfonso, Y.U., P. Charruau, L. Rodriguez Schettino and S. Munoz Riveaux
Observations on the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and sea surface swarns of crab megalopae in the Dutch Caribbean p.344
Debrot, A.O., R. de Leon, N. Esteban and H.W.G. Meesters
Distribution of manatees and noise near a coastal power plant p.350
Tellechea, J.S., G. Roman-Buso and N. Martinez-Rivera
First record of the family sternophoridae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Cuba p.354
Barba-Diaz, R.
Establishment of the Puerto Rico ground lizard (Ameiva exsul: Teiidae), on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands: a threat to native fauna p.360
Treglia, M.L., J. Valiulis, D. J. Leavitt and L.A. Fitzgerald
Puerto Rico’s birds in photographs. A complete guide and CD-ROM including the Virgin Islands p.366
Dove, C.J.

VOL.47 NO.1, 2013
Organochlorine pesticides in nest substratum and infertile eggs of American crocodiles (Reptilia, Crocodylidae) in a Mexican Caribbean atoll p.1
Pierre Charruau, P., Y. Henaut and T. Alvarez-Legorreta
Habitat characterization, distribution, and areal extent of deep-sea coral ecosystems off Florida, Southeastern U.S.A. p.13
Reed, J. K., Charles Messing, B. K. Walker, S. Booke, T. B. S. Correa, M. Brouwer and T. Udouj
Zooxanthellae presence acts as a settlement cue for aposymbiotic planulae of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata p. 31
Size-class distribution of Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J. R. & G. Forst.]) Beach populations on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas p.37
Rodgers, J. C. III
Spatial distribution of orchid species in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico p.50
Brewster, L. B. and J. D. Ackerman
Male-male interactions in the endangered hormerus swallowtail, papilio homerus p.57
Matthew S. Lehnert, M. S., T. C. Emmel and E. Garraway
The yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis (Chondrichthyes: Urotrygonidae): a synoptic review p.67
Spieler, R. E., D. P. Fahy, R. L. Sherman, J. A. Sulikowski and T. P.Quinn
Gloiotrichus vermicuatus sp. Nov. (Liagoraceae, Rhodphyta), a new species from the Caribbean Sea p.98
Bucher, K. E., J. N. Norris and J. R. Sears
New plant records for Bonaire and the dutch Caribbean islands p.114
De Freitas, J. A. and A. C. Rojer
Notes on the natural history of Harrisia portoricensis (Cactaceae): a general update including specific recommendations for management and conservation p. 118
Rojas-Sandoval, J. and E. Melendez-Ackerman

VOL.46 NO.2/3, 2010
Pleistocene decaped crustaceans of eastern Jamaica p.133
Collins, J.S.H. and S.K. Donovan
The origins of the recently discovered hispaniolan olive-throated parakeet: a phylogeographic perpective on a conservation conundum p.143
Latta, S.C., A.K. Townsend and I.J. Lovette
Is congener abundance related to vocal adjustments that minimize acoustic interference? p.150
Luther, D., M.A. Acevedo, M.I.Herrera Montes, A.R. Estrada and T.M. Aide
Density compensation suggests interspecific competition is weak among terrestrial snails in tabonuco forest of Puerto Rico p.159
Bloch, C. P. and M.R.Willing
Using digital photography and image analysis software to estimate the emergence of bat Tou Santi Cave, Dominica, West Indies p.169
Corso, A.E., J.B. Woolley and T.E. Lacher Jr.
Modeling Caribbean tree heights and crown widths p.176
Brandeis, T.J. and K.C. Randolph
Impact of coffee management practices on earthworm populations in Puerto Rico p.186
Amador, J.A., C.V. Ramos, M. Alfaro and D. Sotomayor-Ramirez
Terrestrial tardigrade of the island of Barbados in the West Indies, with the description of milnesium barbadosense sp. N. (Eutardigrada: Apochela: Milnesiidae) p.194
Meyer, H.A. and J.G. Hinton
Structural variability and species diversity of a dwarf Caribbean dry forest p.203
E. Cuevas, S. Molina, A. E. Lugo and O. Ramos
Risk factors affecting escape behavior by the Jamaica lizard Anolis lineatopus (Polychrotidae, Squamata) p.216
Cooper Jr., W.E.
The sea turtle barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Coronuloidea), from pre-Columbian deposits on San Salvador, Bahamas p.228
Blick, J.P., J.D.Zardus and D. Dvoracek
Damage and recovery of forest structure and composition after two subsequent hurricanes in the Yucatan Peninsula p.240
Bonilla-Moheno, M.
Reproductive assurance for a rewardless epiihytic orchid in Puerto Rico: Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) p.249
CaraDonna, P.J. and J.D. Ackerman`
Changes in landuse/landcover affect distribution and habitat of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi (Gecarcinidae, Decapoda) in two estuaries in Puerto Rico p.249
Govender, Y. and J.R. Thomlinson
Mapping marine benthic habitats in Martinique (French West Indies) p.267
Legrand, H., P. Lenfant, I.S. Sotheran, R.L. Foster-Smith, R. Galzin and J-P. Marechal
Response of populations of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria to soil disturbance in different life zones of Puerto Rico p.283
Marcos, P. and G.A. Toranzos
Late Holocene fauna from a cave deposit in Western Cuba: post-Columbian occurrence of the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus (Phyllostomidae: Desmodontinae) p.297
Orihuela, J.
Notes on the marine algae of the international biosphere reserve seaflower, Caribbean Colombia II: diversity of drift algae in San Andres Island, Caribbean Colombia p.313
Ortiz, J. F. and B. Gavio
Discovery of Xylosma buxifolia A. Gray (Flcourtiaceae) in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA p.322
Sadle, J.
Two potential host plants and notes on the habitat of the Haitian tailed blue, Pseudochrysops bornoi (Comstock and Huntington 1943) (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera) in Guanica, Puerto Rico, USA p.324
Homziak, J. and N. T. Homziak
Heliconia-hummingbird interactions in the Lesser Antilles: a geographic mosaic? p.328
Dalsgaard, B., A. Timmermann, A. M. Martin Gonzalez, J. M. Olesen, J. Ollerton and L. H. Andersen
Scalation of the American crocodile, crocodylus acutus (Crocodylidae, Crocodilia), from the coastal zone of Northern Belize p.332
Platt, S. G., J. B. Thorbjarnarson and T. R. Rainwater
New records of the Townsend angelfish (Holacanthus bermudensis X H. ciliaris hybrid) and range extension of the blue angelfish (H. bermudensis) in the Caribbean Sea p.339
Reyes-Bonilla, H., L. Alvarez-Filip and I. Sanchez-Alcantara
Diet of the invasive Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in pine Rockland and mangrove habitats in South Florida p.346
Glorioso, B. M., J. H. Waddle, M. E. Crockett, K. G. Rice and H. F. Percival

Birdlife international (2008). Important bird areas in the Caribbean: key sites for conservation. Wege, D. and V. Anadon-Irizarry p.356
Delannoy, C.
Guia de los Pastos Marinos Tropicales del Atlántico oeste/ a guide to the tropical seagrasses of the Western Alantic. Van Tussenbroek, B. I., M. G. Barba Santos, J. G. Ricardo Wong, J. K. van Dijk and M. Waycott. Illustrations by E. Esparza. 2010 p.357
Ballantine, D. L.

VOL.46 NO.1, 2010
Land snails from the late Pleistocene lithified sand dunes of great Pedro bluff, southwest Jamaica p.1
Donovan, S. K. and C. R. C. Paul
Indicator taxa to assess anthropogenic impacts in Caribbean and Bahamas tidal creeks p.12
Layman, C. A., D. A. Arrington, P. A. Kramer, L. Valentine-Rose and C. P. Dahlgren
A tidal depositional model for the Carolina and (Pliocene, Talparo Formation) of central Trinidad p.19
Wilson B.
Preliminary assessment of a possible lemon shark nursery in the Turks & Caicos Islands, British West Indies p.29
Henderson, A. C., K. McClellan and M. Calosso
A field guide to the cretaceous and Cenozoic fossil decapod crustacean localities of Jamaica p.39
Donovan, S. K.
Spatio-temporal variation in seawater characteristics in a semi-enclosed bay in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands p.54
Horst, G. and P. J. Edmunds
New records of bats from the British Virgin Islands p.64
Kwiecinski, G. G., J-P. Backle, K. C. Lindsay and H.H. Genoways
Observations on morphology and the taxonomic affiliation of Coelothrix irregularis (Harv.) Borgesen (Rhodymenials, Rhodophyta) p.71
Lozada-Troche, C. and D. L. Ballantine
An assessment of coral reefs in Tobago p.83
Mallela, J., R. Parkinson and O. Day
Sexual dimorphism in the timing of flowering in two dioecious trees in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico p.88
Forero-Montana, J. and J.K. Zimmerman
Color variation in two neotropical species of Scutellini p.96
Cantrell, S. A. and R. T. Hanlin
New records for the bat fauna of Mona Island, Puerto Rico, with notes on their natural history p.102
Rodriguez-Duran, A. and E. Padilla-Rodriguez
Preliminary survey on foraminiferal responses to pollutants in Torrecillas Lagoon Puerto Rico p.106
Martnez-Colon, M. and P. Hallock
The importance of small wetlands for the conservation of the endemic Caribbean coot Fulica caribaea p.112
Nijman, V.
A first survey of the spiders of Anguilla, West Indies, with comparative notes on St. Kitts and Nevis p. 116
Sewlal, J-A. N. and C. K. Starr
Silica-scaled chrysophytes and heliozoan from the Caribbean Island of Dominica (Lesser Antilles) p.120
Wujek, D. E., B.A. Fritz and R. M. Dziedzic
Notes on the first occurrence of Ceramium fujinum Barros-Barreto & Maggs (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Caribbean p.124
Moreira, A. R. and M. T. Fujii
Cantos de Aves del Caribe: desde Puerto Rico hasta Granada, con las Bahamas, islas Caiman, e isla de San Andres / Caribbean bird song: Puerto Rico south to Grenada, with the Bahamas, Caymans, & San Andres. Oberle, M. W. 2008 p.127
Lewis, A. R.

VOL.45 NO.2/3, 2009
Introduction: coral reef ecosystem studies: integrating science and management in the Caribbean p.134
Appeldoorn, R.S., P.M. Yoshioka and D.L. Ballantine
Spatial and temporal patterns in reef sediment accumulation and composition, southwestern insular shelf of Puerto Rico p.138
Hernandez, R., C. Sherman, E. Weil and P. Yoshioka
Modern sedimentation in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate coral reef environment, La Parguera, Puerto Rico p.151
Ryan-Mishkin, K., J. P. Walsh, D. R. Corbett, M. B. Dail and J. A. Nittrouer
Spatial and temporal patterns of water quality indicators in reef systems of southwestern Puerto Rico p.168
Otero, E.
Nutrient distribution across the insular shelf of La Parguera, Puerto Rico: assessment by algal tissue nitrogen p.181
Todd, B., D. L. Ballantine and E. Otero
Chemical contamination in southwest Puerto Rico: a survey of contaminants in the coral Porites astreoides p.191
Pait, A. S., C. F. G. Jeffery, C. Caldow, D. R. Whitall, S. I. Hartman, A. L. Mason and J.D. Christensen
Extensive coral morality in the US Virgin Islands in 2005/2006: a review of the evidence for synergy among thermal stress, coral bleaching and disease p.204
Rogers, C. S., E. Muller, T. Spitzack and J. Miller
Variability of aspergillosis in Gorgonia ventalina in La Parguera, Puerto Rico p.215
Flynn, K. and E. Weil
Temporal variability and impact of coral diseases and bleaching in La Parguera, Puerto Rico from 2003-2007 p.221
Weil, E., A. Croquer, I. Urreiztieta and E. Irizarry-Soto
The distribution of herbivorous coral reef fishes within fore-reef habitats: the role of depth, light and rugosity p.247
Nemeth, M. and R. Appeldoorn
Sediment transport and the distribution of shallow-water gorgonians p.254
Yoshioka, P. M.
Dynamics of shelf edge coral reef-associated macroalgae at la Parguera, Puerto Rico p.260
Ruiz, H. and D. L. Ballantine
Spatial and temporal variability in juvenile coral densities, survivorship and recruitment in La Parguer, southwestern Puerto Rico p.269
Irizarry-Soto, E. and E. Weil
Nocturnal fish movement and trophic flow across habitat boundaries in coral reef ecosystem (SW Puerto Rico) p.282
Clark, R. D., S. Pittman, C. Caldow, J. Christensen, B. Roque, R. S. Appeldoorn and M. E. Monaco
Movement of fishes (Grunts: Haemulidae) across the coral reef seascape: a review of scales, patterns and processes p.304
Appeldoor, R. S., A. Aguilar-Perera, B. L. K. Bouwmeester, G. D. Dennis, R. L. Hill, W. Merten, C. W. Recksiek and S. J. Williams
A trophic model of the coral reef ecosystem of La Parguera, Puerto Rico: synthesizing fisheries and ecological data p.317
Guenette, S. and R. L. Hill
Long-term monitoring of habitats and reef fish found inside and outside the U.S. Virgin Islands coral reef national monument: a comparative assessment p.338
Monaco, M. E., A. M. Friedlander, C. Caldow, S. D. Hile, C. Menza and R. H. Boulon
Effects of a marine fishery reserve and habitat characteristics in the abundance and demography of the red hind grouper, Epinephelus guttatus p.348
Lopez-Rivera, M. M. and A. M. Sabat
Coupling of humans, habitats and other species: a study of the fishers’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in La Parguera p.363
C. Garcia-Quijano

VOL.45 NO.1, 2009
A new species of Cicadetta (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae) from hispaniola p.1
Sanborn, A. F.
A new species of Trapania Pruvot-Fol, 1931 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia) from the Caribbean Sea with an analysis of its phylogenetic relationships p.8
Valdes, A.
Raccoon (Proycon lotor) removal and the rapid colonization of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) on a public land in South Florida: a conservation opportunity for the Caribbean p.15
Meshaka, W. E. Jr., H. T. Smith, H. L. Cress, S. R. Sekscienski, W. R. Mapp, E. M. Cowan and J. A. Moore
Paleontological implications of multiple genital pores in the apical system of Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck), recent of Jamaica p.20
Donovan, S. K. and D. N. Lewis
Habitat use of raptors in response to anthropogenic land use on Bonaire and Curacao, Netherlands Antilles p.25
Nijman, V., J. Booij, M. Flikweert, M. Aliabadian, J. A. de Freitas, R. Vonk and T. G. Prins
A revision pf the Venezuelan anoles II: redescription of Anolis sqamulatus Peters 1863 and Anolis tigrinus Peters 1863 (Reptilia: Polychrotidae) p.30
Ugueto, G. N., G. Rivas, T. Barros and E. N. Smith
Tree species distributions in relation to stream distance in a mid-montane wet forest, Puerto Rico p.52
Scalley, T. H., T. A. Crowl and J. Thompson
Growth rates of the tropical sea Urchins Tripneustes ventricosus and Lytechinus variegatus based on natural recruitment events p.64
Macia, S. and M. P. Robinson
Skeletal correlates of body weight in the black-billed streamertail (Trochilus scitulus) of Jamaica p.69
Graves, G. R.
On the taxonomic status of Oryzomys curasoae McFarlane and Debrot, 2001, (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) with remarks on the phylogenetic relationships of O. gorgasi Hershkovitz, 1971 p.73
Voss, R. S. and M. Weksler
Size estimation, morphometrics, sex, ratio, sexual size dimorphism, and biomass of Morelet’s crocodile in northern Belize p.80
Platt, S. G., T. R. Rainwater, J. B. Thorbjarnarson, A. G. Finger, T. A. Anderson and S. T. McMurry
Coral growth rates from the mid-holocene Canada honda fossil reef, Southwestern Dominican Republic: comparisons with modern counterparts in high sedimentation settings p.94
Cuevas, D. N., C. E. Sherman, W. Ramirez and D. K. Hubbard
Temporal variation of early larval stages of the long-spined sea urchin diadema antillarum in La Pargurera, Puerto Rico p. 110
Williams, S. M., J. R. Garcia-Sais and J. Capella
Molecular and Morphological characterization of rhodobacter sphaeroides bacteriophages from Puerto Rico p.118
Rojas-Duran, M. F., R. Vazquez and C. Rios-Velazquuez
Identification of bats in Puerto Rico using the scanning electron microscope to examine body hairs p.125
Schaetz, B. A., A. Kurta, A. Rodriguez-Dsuran, O. M. Munzer and R. Foster

VOL.44 NO.3, 2008
Miocene sharks in the kendeace and grand bay formations of carriacou, the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles p.279
R. W. Portell, G. Hubbell, S. K. Donovan, J. L. Green, D. A. T. Harper and R. Pickerill
A fossil cranium of the Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor (Aves: Psittacidae) from Villa Clara Province, Cuba p.287
S. L. Olson, and W. Suarez
Occurrence, diet and growth of juvenile blacktip sharks, carcharhinus limbatus, from Los Roques Archipelago National Park, Venezuela p.291
R. Tavares
Notes on the marine Algae of the Bermudas. 10. Woelkerlingia sterreri sp. Nov. (Rhodophyta, Wrangeliaceae), a first record of the genus in the Western Atlantic p.303
C. W. Schneider and M. J. Wynne
Conservation implicatios of the current breeding distribution and abundance of the white-crowned pigeon Patagioenas leucocephala at St. Croix, US Virgin Islands p.311
D. McNair
Pharaxonotha portophylla (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), new species and pollinator of Zamia (Zamiaceae) in Puerto Rico p.321
N. Franz and P. D. Skelley
A retrospective analysis and comparative study of stony coral assemblages in Biscayne National Park, FL (1977-2000) p.334
J. Dupont, W. C. Jaap and P. Hallock
Changes in the coral reef community of southwest Puerto Rico 1995 to 2005 p.345
A. McGehee
The life history of helminthora anomala (Nemaliales, Rodophyta) in culture p.355
S. Velez
Seasonal variations in grazing of the copepod Eucalanus subtenuis in the continental shelf of the south central Caribbean Sea, Colombia p.361
A. Franco-Herrera and L. Castro
Blood characteristics, heart mass, and wing morphology of Antillean bats p.375
A. Rodriguez-Duran and E. Padilla-Rodriguez
Longitudinal changes in benthic community composition in four neotropical streams p.380
D. Turner, D. D. Williams and M. Alkins-Koo
Forest structure and tree species composition of the Grand Etang forest on Grenada, West Indies, pre-Hurricane Ivan p.395
M. E. Glenn and K. J. Bensen
Bird community dynamics and habitat associations in karst, mangrove and Pterocarpus forest fragments in an urban zone in Puerto Rico p.402
M. A. Acevedo and T. M. Aide
Naturalization of Dalechampia scandens in southern Florida p.417
R. Pemberton and H. Liu
Report of the rare green alga Penicillus dumetosus f. expansus borgesen from Cuba and the Bahamas p.419
M. J. Wynne
Survival, dispersal, and home range of headstarted Jamaican Iguanas, Cyclura collie p.423
D. S. Lewis, P. Vogel and B. S. Wilson
Erratum for Caribbean journal of science 43(2): 200-219 426

VOL.44 NO.2, 2008
Coral reef fish benthic community structure of Bonaire and curacao, Netherlands Antilles p.137
Sandin, S.A., E.M. Sampayo and M.J.A. Vermeij
Self-compatibility of microgametophytes in Heliconia bihai (Heliconiaceae) from St. Lucia p.145
Melendez-Ackerman, E., J. Rojas-Sandoval and S. Planas
Dwarf forest recovery after disturbances in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico p.150
Weaver, P. L.
Abortion and predispersal seed predation in the American Proteaceae Roupala Montana Aubl p.164
Raimundez-Urrutia, E,
Land cover and forest formation disributions for St. Eustatuis, Grenada and Barbados from decision tree classification of cloud-cleared satellite imagery p.175
Helmer, E. H., T. Kennaway, D. Pedreros, M. Clark, H. Marcano, L. Tieszen, T. Ruzycki, S. Schill and S. Carrington
Diet of feral goats in Mona Island Reserve, Puerto Rico p.199
Records of coprophilus fungi from the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico p.206
Richardson, M. J.
New evidence of Ara autochthones from an archeological site in Puerto Rico: a valid species of West Indian macaw ofunknow geographical origin (Aves: Psittacidae) p.215
Olson, S. L. and E. J. Maiz Lopez
The ecological importance of a recently discovered intertidal sabellariid reef in St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands p.223
McCarthhy, D. A., P. Kramer, J. R. Price and C. L. Donato
Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology indicates an oxygen minimum zone and an allochthonous, inner neritic assemblage in the Brasso formation (Middle Miocene) at St. Fabien Quarry, Trinidad, West Indies p.228
Wilson, B.
Growth of Pinus caribaea hondurensis relative to spacing and trunk diameter on two soils in Puerto Rico p.236
Wadsworth, F.
Paleo-channel or sinkhole? Reinterpretation of an enigmatic structure near discovery bay, north central Jamaica p.242
Stemann, T. A. and S. K. Donovan
Avifauna and human disturbance observations on Navassa Island p.246
Earsom, S. D., C. Lombard, J. Schwagerl, J. P. Oland, and L. Miranda-Castro
Invasive Anolis sagrei on St. Vincent and its potential impact on perch heights of Anolis trinitatis p.251
Tregalia, M. L., A. J. Muensch, R. Powell and J. S. Parmerlee
Observations of Frugivory in Phylloderma stenops (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) p.257
York, H. A.
A description of the tadpole of Mannophryne olmonae (Anura: Aromobatidae) p.260
Lehtinen, R. M. and A. Hailey
Coexistence of feral Africanized and European honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apidae) on St. Croix Island p.264
Rivera-Marchand, B., J. Keularts, D. Oskay and T. Giray
Differential salt deposition and excretion on leaves of Avicennia germinans mangroves p.267
Griffiths, M. E., R. D. Rotjan and G. S. Ellmore

VOL.44 NO.1, 2008
Host selectivity of a 40kDa phytotoxic extract FROM colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Phyllachoraceae) on yam Diosiorea alata (Dioscoreace) p.1
Angela T. Alleyne and Leonard W. O’Garro
Sex role differentiation in brood defense by a Nicaraguan cichlid fish, Amphilopus xiloanensi p.13
K. R. McKaye and B. A. Murry
Were they used as tools? An exploratory functional study of abraded potsherds from Pre-Columbian Caribbean sites p.21
Annelou van Gijn and Corinne L. Hofman
Root proliferation and nutrient limitations in a Nicaraguan Rain Forest p.36
Brent C. Blair and Ivette Perfecto
The earliest evidence of ostionoid maize agriculture from the interior of Hispaniola p.43
Chad S. Lane, Sally P. Horn, Kenneth H. Orvis and Claudia I. Mora
A floristic description of a neotropical coastal savanna in Beliz p.53
Frank T. Farruggia, M. Henry, H. Stevens, and Michael A. Vincent
Status of the least grebe Tachybatus Dominicus in the United States Virgin Islands p.70
Douglas McNair, Lisa D. Yntema and Floyd E. Hayes
Substratum effects on the growth and survivorship of the sponge desmapsamma anchorata p.83
Elizabeth L. Mclean and Paul M. Yoshioka
Addictive partitioning of reef fish diversity across multiple spatial scales p.90
Fabaian A. Rodriguez-Zaragova and Jesus E. Arias-Gonzales
Anoles of St. Vincent (Squamata: Polychrotidae): population densities and structural habitat use p.102
Jessica L. Hite, Carlos A. Rodriguez Gomes, Samantha C. Larimer, Alondra M. Diaz-Lameiro and Robert Powell
The volcaniclastic turbidites of the Grand Bay Formation, Carriacou, Grenadines, Lesser Antilles p.116
Trevor A. Jackson, Peter W. Scott, Stephen K. Donovan, Ron K. Pickerill, Roger W. Portell and David A. T. Harper

VOL.43 NO.2, 2007
Development of a landforms model for Puerto Rico and its application for land cover change analysis p.161
Sebastian Martnuzzi, William A. Gould, Olga M. Ramos Gonazlez and Brook E. Edwards
Microbial utilization of toxic chemicals in surface waters of Guayanilla Bay, Puerto Rico: impact of seasonal variation p.172
Nydia J. Rodriguez, Arturo Massol, Syed H. Imam and Baqay R. Zaidi
Recent Ostracoda of the coconut and Mahogany fields, offshore SE Trinidad p.18
Brent Wilson
The extant botanical collections and nomenclatural types of Agustin stahl, Puerto Rican Botanist p.189
Pedro Acevedo-Rodriguez
Ecophysiology of a mangrove forest in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico p.200
Ariel E. Lugo, Ernesto Medina, Elvira Cuevas, Gilberto Cintron, Eddie N. Laboy Nieves and Yara Schaeffer Novelli
Stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of Nicaragua p.220
Stefano Fenoglio
Sedimentary development of coral bay, St. John, USVI: a shift from natural to anthropogenic influences p.226
Gregg R. Brooks, barry Devine, Rebekka A. Larson and Bryan P. Rood
Changes in ant species richness and composition during plant secondary succession in Puerto Rico p.244
K. Osorio-Perez, M. F. barberena-Arias and T. M. Aide
Fruit consumption by birds and bats on two species of columnar cacti in a semi-arid Andean enclave of Venezuela p.254
Carlos Rengifo G., Maria Elena Naranjo and Pascual J. Soriano
Distributional comments on the teiid lizards (Squamata: Teiidae) of florida with a key to species p.260
Catherine A. Smith and Kenneth L. Krysko
Diurnal and seasonal patterns in Corticosterone in the turks abd caicos iguana (Cyclura carinata carinata) p.266
E. A. MacDonald, N. M. Czekala, G. P. Gerber and A. C. Alberts
First report of a quaternary crocodilian from a cave deposit in Northern Puerto Rico p.273
Jorge Velez-Juarbe and Thomas E. Miller
Acute toxicity of Endosulfan to three freshwater snails in Jamaica p.277
Margelette Ellis-Tabanor and Eric J. Hyslop
H. L. ‘Hal’ Dixon (1941-2005) and the fossil echinoids of Jamaica p.279
Stephen K. Donovan
Orb-weaving spider, Argiope savignyi (Araneidae), predation on the proboscis bat Rhynchonycteris naso (Emballonuridae p.282
Robert M. Timm and Mauricio Losilla

VOL.43 NO.1, 2007
New species of Hedruris (Nematoda: Hedruridae), Anuracanthorhynchus lutzi (Hamann, 1891) n. comb. And other helminths in Lithobates warszewitschii (Anura: Ranidae) from Costa Rica p.1
Charles R. Bursey and Stephen R. Goldberg
Prehistoric settlement patterns on St. Vincent, West Indies p.11
Richard T. Calllaghan
Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and Dinoflagellate Cysts (Dinophyceae) from rookery Bay, Florida, U.S.A. p.23
Holger Cremer, Francesca Sangiorgi, Friederike Warner-Cremer, Vicki McGee, Andre F. Lotter and Henk Visscher
Rare borings in Pleistocene brachiopods from Jamaica and Barbados p.59
Stephen R. Goldbery and Charles R. Bursey
Activity patterns and foraging behavior of the endangered Grand Cayman Blue Iguana, cyclura lewisi p.73
Rachel M. Goodman
Blood parasites in birds from the lowlands of Northern Colombia p.87
Aurora Londono, Paulo C. Pulgarin-R, and Silvia Blair
Prehistoric sloth extinctions in Cuba: implications of a new “Last” appearance date p.94
R. D. E. MacPhee, M. A. Iturralde-Vinent, and Osvaldo Jimenez Vazquez
A rigorous assessment of the avifauna of a small Caribbean island: a case study in Anegada, British Virgin Islands p.99
Andrew McGowan, Nancy K. Woodfield, Geoff Hilton, Annette C. Broderick, and Brendan J. Godley
Chewing lice (Phthiraptera from ovenbirds, leaftossers and woodcreepers (Passeriformes: Furnariidae: Furnariinae, Sclerurinae, Dendrocolaptinae) from Costa Rica, with descriptions of four new species of the genera rallicola and myrsidea p.117
Oldrich Sychra, Ivan Literak, Miroslav Capek, Martin HavliCek
Meiofaunal colonization of decaying leaves of the Red Mangrove Rhizophora mangle, in Southwestern Puerto Rico p.127
Hernan Torres-Pratts and Nikolaos V. Schizas

VOL.42 NO.3, 2006

Editorial: earthworms as invasive species in Latin America- the 2nd Latin America meeting on Oligichaeta (Earthworm) ecology and taxomony p.281
Grizelle Gonzalez
Review of the distribution of exotic earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) in Argentina and confirmed examples of their introduction p.285
Catalina C. Mischis, and Julio A. Herrera
Exotic and native earthworm in various land use systems of central, southern and eastern Uruguay p.294
Enzo Grosso, Gabriella Jorge, and George G. Brown
Earthworm communities in forest and pastures of the Colombian Andes p.301
Comparisons of earthworm community structure between an active pasture and an adjacent tropical wet forest in Puerto Rico p. 311
Xiaoming Zou, Barbara Arandes-Perez, David Capo-Ramos, Jessica Gutierrez-Santiago, and Mirla Rosario-Santiago
Earthworms in Agro-ecosystems of Uruguay p.315
M. S. Zerbino, C. Rodriguez, and N. Altier
Preliminary estimate of earthworm abundance and species richness in Spathodea campanulata Beauv. Forests in Northern Puerto Rico p.325
Ariel E. Lugo, Oscar J. Abelleira, Sonia Borges, Lauren J. Colon, Syndi Melendez, and Mariela A. Rodriguez
Earthworm diversity in four land use systems in the region of Jaguapita, Parana State, Brazil p.331
Daiane H. Nunes, Amarildo Pasini, Norton Polo Benito, and George G. Brown
Exotic, peregrine, and invasive earthworms in Brazil: diversity, distribution, and effects on soils and plants p.339
George G. Brown, Samuel W. James, Amarildo Pasini, Daiane H. Nunes, Norton P. Benito, Priscila Trigo Martins, and Klaus D. Sautter
Presence of exotic and native earthworms in principal agro and natural systems in central and Southeastern Tabasco, Mexico p.359
Esperanza Huerta, Carlos E. Fragoso, J. Rodriguez-Olan, I. Evia-Castillo, E. Montejo-Meneses, M. De La Cruz-Mondragon, and R. Garcia-Hernandez
A first survey of earthworms of Bosque Del Pueblo, Puerto Rico p.366
Sonia Borges, Monica Alfaro, Sandra Maldonado, and Ariel Santiago
A fluorescent marking and re-count technique using the invasive earthworm, Pontoscolex corethrurus (Annelida: Oligochaeta) p.371
Grizelle Gonzalez, Elianid Espinosa, Zhigang Liu, and Xiaoming Zou
Differences between epigeic earthworm populations in tank bromeliads from Puerto Rico and Dominica p.380
Barbara A. Richardson, Sonia Borges, and Michael J. Richardson
The re-colonization ability of native earthworm, Estherella spp., in Puerto Rican forests and pastures p. 386
Ching-Yu Huang, Grizelle Gonzalez, and Paul F. Hendix

VOL.42 NO.2, 2006
Microbial surface-water quality of the Rio Grande De Anasco Watershed, Puerto Rico p.151
David Sotomayor-Ramirez, Myrna Alameda, Gustavo A. Martinez, Luis Perez-Algeria, and Ronald Corvera-Gomringer
New species of Aplectana (Nematoda:Cosmocercidae) and Mesocoelium monas (Digenea:Brachycoeliidae) in Lepidophyma flavimaculatum (Squamata:Xantusiidae) from Costa Rica p.164
Charles R. Bursey, Stephen R. Goldberg, and Sam R. Telford, Jr.
Allometric growth in Creaseria morleyi (Creaser, 1936) (Decapoda:Palaemonidae), from the Yucatan Penisula, mexico p.171
Alejandro Botello and Fernando Alvarez
Island-specific responses of Bahamian Benthic Flora to Environmental features p.180
Vanessa L. Nero and Kathleen Sullivan Sealey
Habitat use, Social behavior, and female and male size distributions of juvenile midas cichlids, amphilophus cf. citrinellus, in Lake Apoyo, Nicaragua p.197
Ronald G. Oldfield, Jeffery McCrary, and Kenneth R.McKaye
Two new species of amphisbaena (Reptilia: Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) from the Tiburon Peninsula of Haiti p.208
Richard Thomas and S. Blair Hedges
Use of waterbird abundance for saline wetland site prioritization on St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands p.220
Douglas B.McNair, Lisa D. Yntema, and Carol Cramer-Burke
Mass density assessment: comparison of three methods using Oikopleura dioica (Appendicularia as a model system p.231
Xavier Chippa-Carrar, Rodolfo Rioja-Nieto, and Maite Mascaro
Where have all the sponges gone? The significance of spicules from the upper plicene hopegate formation of Jamaica p.239
Stephen K. Donovan and Thomas A. Stemann
Montagnea arenaria (Agrariceae, Basidiomycota), a new record for Puerto Rico p.243
Angel M.Nieves-Rivera and mary Catherine Aime
A new species of boring sponge from the white limestone group, Jamaica p.246
Donovan J. Blissett, Ron K. Pickerill, and J. Keith Rigby
Structural Stabilization of a large Montastrea faveolata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) Colony damaged by Vessel impact p.250
J.Harold Hudson and Erik C. Franklin
A zygopine weevil in early Miocene Amber from the Dominican Republic (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) p.253
Steven R. Davis and Michael S. Engel
Trypoxylon (Hymenoptera:Crabronidae) in Tobago, West Indies p.256
Allan W. Hook, and Christopher K. Starr
First record of Torpedo andersoni Bullis, 1962 (Elasmobranchii: Torpediniformes) in the Western Caribbean Region of Colombia p.259
Andres Felipe Navia, Paola Andrea Mejia-Falla, Julian Alejandro Caicedo, and Marcelo R. De Carvalho
Occurrence of juvenile Nassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Teleostei: Serranidae), off Mona Island, Puerto Rico: Considerations of Recruitment potential p.261
Alfonso Aguilar-Perera, Michelle Scharer, and Michael Nemeth

VOL.42 NO.1, 2006
Archaic influences in the origins and development of taino societies p.1
William F. Keegan
Prehistoric exploitation of the swamp palm (Raphia taedigera: Arecaceae) at Sitio Drago, Isla Colon, Bocas Del Toro Province Panama p. 11
Thomas A. Wake
The environmental significance of Archaias angulatus (Miliolida, Foraminifera) in sediments around Nevis, West Indies p.20
Brent Wilson
Plankton dynamics in the South-Central Caribbean Sea: strong seasonal changes in a Coastal tropical system p.24
A checklist and seasonal account of the Deepwater Rhodophyta around Cozumel Island on the Caribbean Coast of Mexico p.39
Luz Elena Mateo-Cid, A. Catalina Mendoza-Gonzalez, and Richard B. Searles
Phytosociology of vascular plants on an International Biosphere Reserve: Virgin Islands National Park, St. John, US Virgin Islands p.53
Sonja N. Oswalt, Thomas J. Brandeis, and Britta P. Dimick
Vegetation response to grazing and planting of Leucaena leucocephala in a Urochloa maximum-dominated Grassland in Puerto Rico p.67
John K. Francis and John A. Parrotta
Flower phenology and sexual maturation: partial protandrous behavior in three species of Orchids p.75
Raymond L. Trembly, Grizel Pomales-Hernandez and Maria De Loures Mendez-Cintron
Effects of hurricane Georges on the resident avifauna of Maricao State Forest, Puerto Rico p.81
Adrianne G. Tossas
The herpetofauna of the rainforests of Honduras p.88
Larry D. Wilson and Josiah H. Townsend
Echolocation behavior of Brachyphylla nana (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) under laboratory conditions p. 114
Silvio macias, Emanuel C. Mora, Adianez Garcia, and Yarelys Macias
The echolocation repertoire of Eptesicus fuscus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Cuba p.121
Annia Rodriguez and Emanuel C. Mora
Geographic Distribution and some taxonomic comments of Micronycteris schmidtorum Sanborn (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Mexico p.129
Enrique Escobedo-Cabrera, Livia Leon-Paniagua and Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales
Northeastern Honduras and the systematics of the Colubrid Snake Scaphiodontophis p.136
James R. McCranie
Site Fidelity and movement of the parrotfishes scarus coeruleus and scarus taeniopterus at Conch reef (northern Florida Keys) p.138
James Lindholm Ashley knight, Les Kaufman, and Steven Miller
Length and Asymmetry in naturally and sexually selected bilateral traits in Mellisuga hummingbird’s p.144
Michael haley
Caribbean paleodemography: population, culture history, and sociopolitical processes in ancient Puerto Rico p.147
By L. Antonio Curet. Reviewed by Michelle J. LeFebvre
Errata p.149

VOL.41 NO.4, 2005
A new species of Gonatodes (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the West Indies p.709
Robert Powell and Robert W. Henderson
Shore fishes from Islands of the Mona Passage, Greater Antilles with comments on their Zoogeography p.716
George D. Dennis, William F. Smith-Vaniz, Patrick L. Colin, Dannie A. Hensley, and M. Angela McGhee
Bats of St. Kitts (St. Christoper0, Northern Lesser Antilles, with comments regarding capture rates of neotropical bats p.744
Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Mathew N. Morton, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Sian E. Courts
Taxonomic status of the Cuban vampire bat (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae: Desmodontinae: Desmodus) p.761
William Suarez
Fossil Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) remains from Inciarte Tar Pit, Sierra De Perija, Venezuela p.768
Nicholas J. Czaplewski, Ascanio D. Rincon, and Gary S. Morgan
The late lower Albian invertebrate’s fauna of the Rio hatillo formation of Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic p.782
Ryszard Myczynski and Manuel Iturralde-Vinent
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and Paleo-Ecology of the Brasso formation (Middle Miocene) at S.t Fabien Quarry, Trinidad, West Indies p.797
Brent Wilson
The mystrery of Dos Bocas Reservoir, Puerto Rico: explaining extreme spatial heterogeneity in Largemouth Bass Distribution p.804
J. Wesley Neal, Nathan M. Bacheler, Richard L. Noble, Damian Shea, and W. Gregory Cope
Impact of a white plague-II outbreak on a Coral Reef in the Archipelago Los RoquesNational Park, Venezuela p.815
A.Croquer, E.Weil, A.L. Zubillaga and S.m. Pauls
Larva development of pachycheles pilosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Porcellanidae) under laboratory conditions p.824
Marianela Pinate, Carlos Lira, and Gonzalo Hernandez
Helminthora anomala sp. Nov. (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) from Puerto Rico p.834
S.M. Velez and R. M. Vega
Bark Volume Determination of Bursera simaruba in Belize p.843
Daniel E. Atha, Leopoldo Romero, and Todd Forrest
Plant diversity in endemic pine forests of pinus occidentalis Sw. in the Nizao Basin, Dominican Republic p.849
Andrea Pena Cornielle and Miren Onaindia Oladle
A non-toxic scanning electron microscopy method to study the reproductive structures of Agaricales using sample fixation in the field p.857
Giovanni J. Lopez and Carlos Rios-Velazquez
Recent observations of masked duck (Nomonyx dominica) in the Caribbean p.861
Jack C. Eitniear and Sergio Colon Lopez
Surveys and breeding biology of Buteo ridgwayi (Ridway’s Hawk) in Los Haitises, Dominican Republic p.864
Russell Thorstrom, Jesus Almonte, SDamuel Balbuena De La Rosa, Pedro Rodriguez, and Eladio Fernandez
VOL.41 NO.3 2005
Ecological monitoring and biodiversity surveys at the Smithsonian tropical research institute’s Bocas del Toro Research Station p.367
R. Collin
An introduction to the geology of the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama p.374
A.G. Coates, D. F. McNeill, M-P. Aubry, W. A. Berggen, and L. S. Collins
Water temperature variation and the meteorological and hydrographic environment of Bocas del Toro, Panama p.392
K. W. Kaufmann and R. C. Thompson
The effect of fresh water runoff on the distribution of dissolved inorganic nutrients and plankton in the Bocas Del Toro Archipelago, Caribbean Panama p.414
L. D’Croz, J. B. Del Rosario, and P. Gondola
A site description of the CARICOMP Mangrove. Seagrass and coral reef sites in Bocas Del Toro, Panama p.430
H. M. Guzman, P. A. G. Barnes, C. E. Lovelock, and I. C. Feller
Lagoon scale processes in a coastally influenced Caribbean system: implications for the seagrass Thalassia testudinum p.441
T. J. B. Carruthers, P. A. G. Barnes, G. E. Jacome, and J. W. Fourqurean
Variation in mangrove forest structure and sediment characteristics in Bocas Del Toro, Panama p.456
C. E. Lovelock, I. C. Feller, K. L. McKee, and R. Thompson
Common sponges from shallow marine habitats from Bocas Del Toro Region, Panama p.465
M. C. Diaz
Hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from shallow-water environments along the Caribbean coast of Panama p.476
D. R. Calder and L. Kirkendale
Caribbean shallow-water black corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Antipatharia) p.492
D. M. Opresko and J. A. Sanchez
A field key to the identification of tropical Western Alantic Zooxanthellate Octocorals (Octocorallia: Cnidaria) p.508
J. A. Sanchez and H. H. Wirshing
Sipuncula (Peanut Worms) from Bocas Del Toro, Panama p.523
Three new species of Micrura (Nemertea: Heteronemertea) and a new type of Heteronemertean larva from the Caribbean Sea p.528
M. L. Schwartz and J. L. Norenburg
Review of the western atlantic porcellanidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) with new records, systematic observations, and comments on Biogeography p.544
I.T. Rodriguez, G.Herandez, and D.L. Felder
Two new Brittle star species of the Genus Ophiothrix (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiotrichidae) from coral reefs in the South Caribbean Sea, with notes on their biology p.583
G. Hendler
Ascidians from Bocas Del Toro, Panama. I. Biodiversity p. 600
R.M. Rocha, S.B. Faria, and T.R. Moreno
Reef fish community structure in Bocas Del Toro (Caribbean, Panama): gradients in habitat complexity and exposer p.613
A, Dominici-Arosemena and M.Wolff
Photographic identification guide to some common marine invertebrates of Bocas Del Toro, Panama p.638
R.Collin, M.C. Diaz, J. Norenburg, R.M. Rocha, J.A. Sanchez, A. Schulze, M. Schwartz, and A. Valdes

VOL.40 NO.2 2004
Illegal extraction of forest products in Laguna de Apoyo nature reserve, Nicaragua p.169
J. K. McCrary, A. L. Hammett, M. E. Barany, H. E. Machado, D. J. Garcia, and J. I. Barrios
The occurrence of neogoniolithon fosliei (Heydrich) Setchell et Mason in the Mexican Caribbean and the relationship of the species to N. solubile (Foslie et Howe) Setchell et Mason (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) p.182
Luz Elena Mateo-Cid and Francisco F. Pedroche
Development of Cerithiopsis gemmulosum (Gastropoda: Cerithiopsidae) from Bocas Del Toro, panama p.192
Rachel Collin
Revision of species of Cyclura nubile lewisi, the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana p.198
Frederic J. Burton
A quarterly century of variation in color and allometric characteristics of eggs from a rain forest population of the pearly-eyed thrasher (Margarops fuscatus) p.204
Wayne J. Arendt
Cytogenetic characterization of Thalassophryne maculosa Gunter, 1861 (Pisces: Batrachoididae) from Margarita Island, Venezuela p.218
M. Nirchio, A. S. Fenocchio, A. C. Swarca, A. L. Dias, L. Guiliano-Caetano, E. Ron, J.I. Gaviria and J. E. Perez
Reproduction of a landlocked Diadromous fish population: bigmouth sleepers Gobiomorus dormitory in a reservoir in Puerto Rico p.223
Nathan M. Bacheler, J. Wesley Neal and Richard L. Noble
Degree of fragmentation affects fish assemblage structure in Andros Island (Bahamas) Estuaries p. 232
Craig A. Layman, D. Albery Arrington, R. Brian Langerhans, and Brian Reed Silliman
Diurnal stream drift of Benthic Macroinvertebrates on the small oceanic Island of Dominica, West Indies p.245
David Bass
Small-scale macroinvertebrates distribution in a riffle of a neotropical rainforest stream (Rio Bartola, Nicaragua) p.253
S. Fenoglio, T. Bo and M. Cucco
Population densities of diadema antillarum Philippi (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) at Cahuita National Park (1977-2003), Costa Rica p.257
Juan Jose Alvarado, Jorge Cortes and Eva Salas
A new breeding population of Oxyura jamaicensis (Ruddy Duck) on St. Martin, Lesser Antilles p.259
Adam C. Brown and Natalia Collier
Communal nesting site in the snake Liophis juliae in Dominica, West Indies p.263
Arlington James and Robert W. Henderson
Diurnal refugia and novel ecological attributes of the Bahamian Boa, Epicrates striatus fowleri (Boidae) p.265
Charles R. Knapp and Audrey K. Owens
Correlation among dorsal body, Iris and tongue color in a local population of treeboas (Corallus grenadensis) on Grenada, Lesser Antillies p.270
Robert W. Henderson
The occurrence of Stemonitis splendens (Myxomycota: Stemonitales) on Rhizophora mangle p.273
Angel M. Nieves-Rivera and Steven L. Stephenson
Structural Control on Cave development in Cretaceous Limestone, Southern Puerto Rico p.276
Thomas E. Miller

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