The Elementary school journal. (Record no. 90262)

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International Standard Serial Number 0013-5984
Transcribing agency UG
Classification number L11
Item number .
Title The Elementary school journal.
Place of publication, distribution, etc [Chicago, Ill. :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc University of Chicago Press]
Extent vol.
Current publication frequency Quarterly
501 ## - WITH NOTE
With note CONTENTS

1. Volume 110 Number 2 December 2009

Call for papers
Editorial Statement
Joanne F. Carlisle
Elizabeth A. Davis
Edward A. Silver

Predicting School Adjustment in Early Elementary School: Impact of Teacher-Child Relationship Quality and Relational Classroom Climate
Evelien Buyse
Karine Verschueren
Pieter Verachtert
Jan Van Damme

Early Adjustment, Gender Differences, and Classroom Organizational Climate in First Grade
Claire Cameron Ponitz
Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman
Laura L. Brock
Lori Nathanson

Peer Victimization in Dutch School Classes of Four- to Five-Year-Olds: Contributing Factors at the School Level
Marielle Bonnet
Frits A. Goossens
Agnes M. Willemen
Carlo Schuengel

The Synergy of Class Size Reduction and Classroom Quality
Elizabeth Graue
Erica Rauscher
Melissa Sherfinski

Pivoting a Prekindergarten Program Off the Child or the Standard? A Case Study of Integrating the Practices of Early Childhood Education into Elementary School
Christopher Pierce Brown

Sources of Self-Efficacy: Four Professional Development Formats and Their Relationship to Self-Efficacy and Implementation of a New Teaching Strategy
Megan Tschannen-Moran
Peggy McMaaster


2. Volume 110 Number 1 September 2009

Direct Vocabulary Instruction in Kindergarten: Teaching for Breadth verses Depth
Michael D. Coyne
D. Betsy McCoach
Susan Loftus
Richard Zipoli Jr.
Sharon Kapp

The Evaluation of Principals: What and How Do States and Urban Districts Assess Leadership?
Ellen Goldring
Xiu Chen Cravens
Joseph Murphy
Andrew C. Porter
Stephen N. Elliott
Becca Carson

Child Characteristics, Home Social-Contextual Factors, and Children’s Academic Peer Interaction Behaviors in Kindergarten
Carin Neitzel

Classroom Management-a Pathway to Student Achievement: A Study of Fourteen Inner-City Elementary Schools
H. Jerome Freiberg
Chris A. Huzinec
Stacey M. Templeton

Teacher-Parent Relationships and School Involvement among Racially and Educationally Diverse Parents of Kindergartners
Sekile Nzinga-Johnson
Jean A. Baker
Jana Aupperlee

Effects of Teachers on Minority and Disadvantaged Students’ Achievement in the Early Grades
Spyros Konstantopoulos


3. Volume 109 Number 5 May 2009

Introduction: Building Knowledge Bases and Improving Systems of Practice
Anne K. Morris
James Hiebert

Thoughts on Creating, Accumulating, and Utilizing Shareable Knowledge to Improve Teaching
James W. Stigler
Belinda J. Thompson

Combining the Development of Practice and the Practice of Development in Teacher Education
Deborah Loewenberg Ball
Laurie Sleep
Timothy A. Boerst
Hyman Bass

Building a Knowledge Base for Teacher Education: An Experience In K-8 Mathematics Teacher Preparation
James Hiebert
Anne K. Morris

Instructional Activities as a Tool for Teachers’ and Teacher Educators’ Learning
Magdalene Lampert
Filippo Graziani

Design Research as a Means for Building a Knowledge Base for Teachers and Teaching in Mathematics Education
Koeno Gravemeijer
Dolly van Eerde

4. Volume 109 Number 4 March 2009

Profiles of Educational Quality in First Grade
Megan W. Stuhlman
Robert C. Pianta

The Role of Inflectional Morphology in Canadian Children’s Word Reading and Spelling
Che Kan Leong

Learning Academic Language through Science in Two Linguistically Diverse Kindergarten Classes
Pamela Spycher

Classifying Academically At-Risk First Graders into Engagement Types: Association with Long-Term Achievement Trajectories
Wen Luo
Jan N. Hughes
Jeffrey Liew
Oiman Kwok

The Effect Of Teacher Psychological and School Organizational and Leadership Factors on Teachers’ Professional Learning in Dutch Schools
Femke P. Geijsel
Peter J. C. Sleegers
Reinoud D. Stoel
Meta L. Kruger


5. Volume 109 Number 3 January 2009

Instruction, Student Engagement, and Reading Skill Growth in Reading First Classrooms
Carol McDonald Connor
Lara J. Jakobsons
Elizabeth C. Crowe
Jane Granger Meadows

Who Is Retained in First Grade? A Psychosocial Perspective
Victor L. Willson
Jan N. Hughes

The Relation of Classroom Environment and School Belonging to Academic Self-Efficacy among Urban Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students
Susan D. McMahan
Jamie Wernsman
Dale S. Rose

The Relation of Elementary Teachers’ Experience, Stress, and Coping Resources to Burnout Symptoms
Christopher J. McCarthy
Richard G. Lambert
Megan O’Donnell
Lauren T. Melendres

Interpersonal Competence Configurations in Rural Appalachian Fifth Graders: Academic Achievement and Associated Adjustment Factors
Thomas W. Farmer
Matthew J. Irvin
Adrienne N. Sgammato
Kimberly Dadisman
Jana H. Thompson


6. Volume 109 Number November 2008

Introduction: Science Curriculum Materials That Support Student Learning: New Research That Addresses Continuing Challenges
Ronald W. Marx

Using National Standards to Improve K-8 Science Curriculum Materials
Jo Ellen Roseman
Mary Koppal

Science Curriculum and Student Diversity: A Framework for Equitable Learning Opportunities
Okhee Lee
Cory Buxton

Narrowing the Gulf between the Practices of Science and the Elementary School Science Classroom
Kathleen E. Metz

Reading in Science: Developing High-Quality Student Text and Supporting Effective Teacher Enactment
LeeAnn M. Sutherland

Designing Effective Visualizations for Elementary School Science
Yael Kali
Marcia C. Linn

The IQWST Experience: Using Coherence as A Design Principle for a Middle School Science Curriculum
Yael Shwartz
Ayelet Weizman
David Fortus
Brian Reiser


7. Volume 109 Number 1 September 2008

Technology Infusion in Success foe All: Reading Outcomes for First Graders
Bette Chambers
Robert E. Slavin
Nancy A. Madden
Philip C. Abrami
Bradley J. Tucker
Alan Cheung
Richard Gifford

Children’s and Teachers’ Perceptions of Learner-Centered Practices, and Student Motivation: Implications for Early Schooling
Barbara L. McCombs
Denise H. Daniels
Kathryn E. Perry

Principals’ Role and Public Primary Schools’ Effectiveness in Four Latin American Cities
Joan B. Anderson

Engaging Instruction in Middle School Classrooms: An Observational Study of Nine Teachers
Lisa M. Raphael
Michael Pressley
Lindsey Mohan

Validation of Scores on the Homework Management Scale Foe Middle School Students
Jianzhong Xu


8. Volume 108 Number 5 May 2008

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Introduction: Elementary School Counseling-Interventions and Programs
Chris Wood
James L. Moore 3

The Role of Elementary School Counselors in Reducing School Bullying
Sheri Bauman

Identification and Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse: The Role of Elementary School Professionals
Lisa Hinkelman
Michelle Bruno

Influences on Young Gifted African Americans’ School Success: Implications for Elementary School Counselors
Malik S. Henfield
Delila Owens
James L. Moore 3

9. Volume 108 Number 4 March 2008

Do Small Classes Reduce the Achievement Gap between Low and High Achievers? Evidence from Project STAR
Spyros Konstantopoulos

Classroom Climate, Rigorous Instruction and Curriculum, and Students’ Interactions in Urban Middle Schools
Lindsay Clare Matsumura
Sharon Cadman Slater
Amy Crosson

The Relation of Self-Determination and Achievement Goals to Taiwanese Eighth Graders’ Behavioral and Emotional Engagement in Schoolwork
Shu-Shen Shih

Italian Elementary and Middle School Students’ Blaming the Victim Of Bullying and Perception of School Moral Atmosphere
Gianluca Gini


10. Volume 108 Number 3 January 2008

Guest Editorial Statement
Lawrence F. Locke
Kim C. Graber

The Landscape of Elementary School Physical Education
Kim C. Garber
Lawrence F. Locke
Dolly Lambdin
Melinda A. Solmon

The Increasing Utility of Elementary School Physical Education: A Mixed Blessing and Unique Challenge
R. Scott Kretchmar

Physical Activity, Public Health, and Elementary Schools
Thomas L. McKenaie
David Kahan

Principles of Motor Development for Elementary School Physical Education
Katherine Thomas Thomas
Jerry R. Thomas

Physical Education in Early Childhood
Steve Stork
Stephen W. Sanders

Research on Effective Teaching in Elementary School Physical Education
Judith E. Rink
Tina J. Hall

Models for Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Physical Education
Pamela Hodges Kulinna

11. Volume 108 Number 2 November 2007

Typical Classroom Experiences in First Grade: The role of Classroom Climate and Functional Risk in the Development of Social Competencies
H. Kent Wilson
Robert C. Pianta
Megan Stuhlman

A Comparison of Three Methods of Vocabulary Instruction during Read-Alouds in Kindergarten
Rebecca Silverman

Mathematics Growth in Early Elementary School: The Roles of Beginning Knowledge, Student Engagement, and Instruction
Katerina Bodovski
George Farkas

Teachers’ Responses to Student Mistakes in Chinses and U.S. Mathematics Classrooms
Meg Schleppenbach
Lucia M. Flevares
Linda M. Sims
Michelle Perry


12. Volume 108 Number 1 September 2007

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Using Planned Enrichment Strategies with Direct Instruction To Improve Reading Fluency, Comprehension, and Attitude toward Reading: An Evidence-Based Study
Sally M. Resi
D. Betsy McCoach
Michael Coyne
Fredric J. Schreiber
Rebecca D. Eckert
E. Jean Gubbins

Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Teachers’ Awareness of Their Classrooms’ Social Networks
Ruth Peral
Man-Chi Leung
Richard Van Acker
Thomas W. Farmer
Philip c. Rodkin

Multiple Perspectives on the Development of an Eight-Grade Mathematical Discourse Community
Edith Prentice Mendez
Miriam Gamoran Sherin
David A. Louis

Elementary Teachers’ Application of Jean Piaget’s Theories of Cognitive Development during Social Studies Curriculum Debates in Arizona
Elizabeth R. Hinde
Nancy Perry


13. Volume 107 Number 5 May 2007

The Ecology of Early Reading Development for Children in Poverty
Kirsten Kainz
Lynne Vernon-Feagans
Are Fluency Measures Accurate Predictors of Reading Achievement?
Stephen G. Schilling
Joanne F. Carlisle
Sarah E. Scott
Ji Zeng

Teaching and Learning Argumentation
Alina Reznitskaya
Richard C. Anderson
Li-Jen Kuo

The Role of Motivational Characteristics in Taiwanese Sixth Graders’ Avoidance of Help Seeking in the Classroom
Shu-Shen Shih



Index to Volume 107

14. Volume 107 Number 4 March 2007

The Short-Term Effect of Grade Retention on Peer Relations and Academic Performance of At-Risk First Graders
Katie Aa. Gleason
Oi-man Kwok
Jan N. Hughes

Teacher Characteristics, Classroom Instruction, and Student Literacy and Language Outcomes in Bilingual Kindergartners
Paul T. Cirino
Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola
Coleen D. Carlson
David J. Francis

Vocabulary Development of English-Language and English-Only Learners in Kindergarten
Rebecca Deffes Silverman

After-School Program Engagement: Links To CHILD Competence and Program Quality and Content
Joseph L. Mahoney
Maria E. Parente
Heather Lord


15. Volume 107 Number 3 January 2007

Increasing Young Low-Income Children’s Oral Vocabulary Repertories through Rich and Focused Instruction
Isabel L. Beck
Margart G. McKeown

Preschool Predictors of the Need for Early Remedial and Special Education Services
Emily A. Mann
Kathleen McCartney
Jennifer M. Park

School Grade Span and Kindergarten Learning
David T. Burkam
Deborah L. Michaels
Valarie E. Lee

Students’ Perceptions of a Maryland State Performance Assessment
Carol S. Parke
Suzanne Lane


16. Volume 107 Number 2 November 2006

Introduction: Scientific Research on English Learners
Russell Gersten

A Longitudinal Study of Reading Development of Canadian Children from Diverse Linguistic
Penny Chiappe
Linda S. Siegel

Effectiveness of an English Intervention for First-Grade English Language Learners at Risk for Reading Problems
Sharon Vaughn
Patricia Mathes
Sylvia Linan-Thompson
Paul Cirino
Coleen Carlson
Sharolyn Pollard-Durodola
Elsa Cardenas-Hagan
David Francis

Is a Separate Block of Time for Oral English Language Development in Programs for English Learners Needed?
William M. Saunders
Barbara R. Foorman
Coleen D. Carlson
Teaching Practice and the Reading Growth of First-Grade English Learners: Validation of an Observation Instrument
Scott K. Baker
Russell Gersten
Diane Haager
Mary Dingle

17. Volume 107 Number 1 September 2006

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Reading Lessons and Federal Policy Making: An Overview and Introduction to the Special Issue
Richard L. Allington

The National Reading Panel’s Meta-Analysis of Phonics Instruction: Another Point Of View
Donald D. Hammill
H. Lee Swanson

Meta-Analysis and Reading Policy: Perspectives on Teaching Children to Read
Gregory Camilli
Paula M. Wolfe
Mary Lee Smith

Qualitative Research on Text Comprehension and the Report of the National Reading Panel
Janice F. Almasi
Keli Garas-York
Lynn Shanahan

The Confluence of Two Policy Mandates: Core Reading Programs and Third-Grade Retention in Florida
Anne McGill-Franzen
Courtney Zmach
Katie Solic
Jacqueline Love Zeig

Curriculum Materials for Elementary Readings: Shackles and Scaffolds for Four Beginning Teachers
Sheila W. Valencia
Nancy A. Place
Susan D. Martin
Pamela L. Grossman

Sustaining Myths, Necessary Illusions, and National Literacy Policies: Some U.S. and U.K. Comparisons
Colin Harrison


18. Volume 106 Number 5 May 2006

An Evaluation of Two Contrasting Approaches for Improving Reading Achievement in a Large Urban District
Karl Skindrud
Russell Gersten

Seventh Graders’ Motivations for Participating in Two Discussion-Oriented Mathematics Classrooms
Amanda Jansen

Ten Australian Elementary Teachers’ Discourse and Reported Pedagogical Practices during Cooperative Learning
Robyn M. Gillies
Michael Boyle

Special Section: No Child Left Behind

Thomas L. Good

No Child Left Behind Comes to Preschool
Deborah Stipek

No Child Left Behind and Science Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks
Ronald W. Marx
Christopher J. Harris

Student Motivational Dynamics in the Era of School Reform
Mary McCaslin



Index to Volume 106

19. Volume 106 Number 4 March 2006

Teaching Third Grades about Real-Life Mathematical Problem Solving: A Randomized Controlled Study
Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Robin Finelli
Susan J. Courey
Carol L. Hamlett
Estelle M. Sones
Susan K. Hope

Comprehensive School Reform: An Observational Study of Teaching in Grades 3 through 5
Mary McCaslin
Thomas L. Good
Sharon Nichols
Jizhi Zhang
Caroline R. H. Wiley
Amanda Rabidue Bozack
Heidi Legg Burross
Rena Cuizon-Garcia

Challenges in the Implementation of Success for All in Four High-Need Urban Schools
Janette Klingner
Elizabeth Cramer
Beth Harry

Using Noncertified Tutors to Work with At-Risk Readers: An Evidence-Based Model
Darrell Morris

Variations in Reading Achievement among Spanish-Speaking Children in Different Language Programs: Explanations and Confounds
Leslie Reese
Claude Goldenberg
William Saunders


20. Volume 106 Number 3 January 2006

Introduction: The Interpersonal Contexts of Teaching, Learning, and Motivation
Jessica J. Summers
Heather A. Davis

Exploring the Contexts of Relationship Quality between Middle School Students and Teachers
Heather A. Davis

Teachers as Facilitators: What Autonomy-Supportive Teachers Do and Why Their Students Benefit
Johnmarshall Reeve

Mentoring Student Teachers to Support Self-Regulated Learning
Nancy E. Perry
Lynda Phiillips
Lynda Hutchinson

Teachers’ and Students’ Beliefs About Student Belonging in one Middle School
Sharon L. Nichols

Effects of Collaborative Learning in Math on Sixth Graders’ Individual Goal Orientations from a Sociconstructivist Perspective
Jessica J. Summers


21. Volume 106 Number 2 November 2005

James Griffith

Parental Involvement: Model Revision through Scale Development
Joan M.T. Walker
Andrew S. Wilkins
James R. Dallaire
Howard M. Sandler
Kathleen V. Hoover-Dempsey

Why Do Parents Become Involved? Research Findings and Implications
Kathleen V. Hoover-Demsey
Joan M. T. Walker
Howard M. Sandler
Darlene Whetsel
Christa L. Green
Andrew S. Wilkins
Kristen Closson

Families, Schools, and Summer Learning
Geoffrey D. Borman
James Benson
Laura T. Overman

A Case Study of the Partnership Schools Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Model
Joyce L. Epatein

Testing a Structural Equation Model of Partnership Program Implementation and Parent Involvement
Steven B. Sheldon


22. Volume 106 Number 1 September 2005

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Teacher Quality and Educational Equality: Do Teachers with Higher Standards-Based Evaluation Ratings Close Student Achievement Gaps?
Geoffrey D. Borman
Steven M. Kimball

Explaining Girls’ Advantage in Kindergarten Literacy Learning: Do Classroom Behaviors Make a Difference?
Douglas D. Ready
Laura F. LoGerfo
David T. Burkam
Valerie E. Lee

Taiwanese Sixth Graders’ Achievement Goals and Their Motivation, Strategy Use, and Grades: An Examination of the Multiple Goal Perceptive
Shu-Shen Shih

The Social Context of Middle School: Teachers, Friends, and Activities in Montessori and Traditional School Environments
Kevin Rathunde
Milahy Csikszentmihalyi


23. Volume 105 Number 5 May 2005

Comparing Four Literacy Reform Models in High-Poverty Schools: Patterns of First-Grade Achievement
Terrence Tivnan
Lowry Hemphill

A Review of the National Reading Panel’s Studies on Fluency: The Role of Text
Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Charles W. Fisher

Classroom and Family Effects on Children’s Social and Behavioral Problems
Patrick Bennett
Marta Elliott
Danya Peters

What Japanese and U.S. Teachers Think About When Constructing Mathematics Lessons: A Preliminary Investigation
Clea Fernandez
Joanna Cannon



Index to Volume 105

24. Volume 105 Number 4 March 2005

Effects of Developmentally Appropriate Practice on Children’s Development: A Review of Research and Discussion of Methodological and Analytic Issues
M. Lee Van Horn
Emilie O. Karlin
Sharon L. Ramey
Jerry Aldridge
Scott W. Snyder

Effects of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Elementary School Standards Reform in an Underperforming California District
Bryce Mason
DeWayne A. Mason
Memo Mendez
Gregg Helsen
Russ Orwig

The Contribution of Classroom Settling and Quality of Instruction to Children’s Behavior in Kindergarten Classrooms
Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman
Karen M. La Paro
Jason T. Dower
Robert C. Pianta

Teachers’ Reports of the Effects of a Whole-School Literacy Reform Model on Teacher Turnover
Catherine Simpson Bueker


25. Volume 105 Number 3 January 2005

State Reform Policies and the Task Textbooks Pose for First-Grade Readers
Elfrieda H. Hiebert

Teachers’ Preparation to Teach Reading and their Experiences and Practices in the First Three Years of Teaching
James V. Hoffman
Cathy Roller
Beth Maloch
Misty Sailors
Gerald Duffy
S. Natasha Beretvas
National Commission on Excellence in Elementary Teacher Preparation for Reading Instruction

Epistemological Beliefs, Mathematical Problem-Solving Beliefs, and Academic Performance of Middle School Students
Marlene Schommer-Aikins
Orpha K. Duell
Rosetta Hutter

A Day in Third Grade: A Large-Scale Study at Classroom Quality and Teacher and Student Behavior
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network


26. Volume 105 Number 2 November 2004

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Introduction: The Context and Contributions of Research at the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement
Joanne F. Carlisle
Elfrieda H. Hiebert

The Development of Literacy in Preschool and Primary Grades: Work by the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement
Steven A. Stahl
David B. Yaden, Jr

Research on Learning to Read-at School, at Home, and in the Community
Barbara M. Taylor
P. David Pearson

The Role of Text and Text-Raeder Interactions in Young Children’s Reading Development and Achievement
Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
Nell K. Duke

Volume 105 Number 1 September 2004
Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Introduction: Measuring Instruction
Deborah Loewenberg Ball
Brain Rowan

Developing Measures of Teachers’ Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching
Heather C. Hill
Stephen C. Schilling
Deborah Loewenberg Ball

Developing Measures of Content Knowledge for Teaching Reading
Geoffrey Phelps
Stephen Schilling

Assessing the Validity of a Language Arts Instruction Log through Triangulation
Eric Camburn
Carol A. Barnes

Using Teacher Logs to Measure the Enacted Curriculum: A Study of Literacy Teaching in Third-Grade Classrooms
Brian Rowan
Eric Camburn
Richard Correnti

Using Instructional Logs to Study Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching in the Early Grades
Brian Rowan
Delena M. Harrison
Andrew Hayes


27. Volume 104 Number 5 May 2004

Contexts and Practices of Six Schools Successful in Obtaining Reading Achievement
Jim Mosenthal
Marjorie Lipson
Susan Torncello
Barbara Russ
Jane Mekkelsen

Comprehensive School Reform: An Implementation Study of Preschool Programs in Elementary Schools
Laura Desimone
Brandyn Payne
Nicole Fedoravicius
Christopher C. Henrich Matia Finn-Stevenson

Transforming Knowledge into Professional Development Resources: Six Teachers Implement a Model of Teaching for Understanding Text
Margaret G. McKeown
Isabel L. Beck

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System: Findings from the Prekindergarten Year
Karen M. La Paro
Robert C. Pianta
Megan Stuhluman



Index to Volume 104

28. Volume 104 Number 4 March 2004

The First Days of Schools in the Classrooms of Two More Effectiveness Primary-Grades Teachers
Catherine M. Bohn
Alysia D. Roehrig
Michael Pressley

Effects of Two Tutoring Programs on the English Reading Development of Spanish-English Bilingual Students
Carolyn A. Denton
Jason L. Anthony
Richard Parker
Jan E. Hasabrouck

Inclusive Teachers’ Attitudes toward Their Students with Disabilities: A Replication and Extension
Bryan G. Cook

Primary-Grade Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Attitudes toward Teaching Practice Priorities in Relation to the Responsive Classroom Approach
Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman
Brook E. Sawyer


29. Volume 104 Number 3 January 2004

Academic Resilience in Mathematics among Poor and Minority Students
Geoffrey D. Borman
Laura T. Overman

Low-Income Parents’ Beliefs about Their Role in Children’s Academic Learning
Kathryn V. Drummond
Deborah Stipek

Professional Development Standards and Practices in Elementary School Mathematics
Heather C. Hill

Effectiveness of Explicit and Constructive Mathematics Instruction for Low-Achieving Students in The Netherlands
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Johannes E. H. Van Luit
Cora J. M. Maas

Fourth Graders’ Motivation in an Elementary Physical Education Running Program
Ping Xiang
Ron E. McBride
April Bruene


30. Volume 104 Number 2 November 2003

Kindergarten Predictors of First- and Second-Grade Reading Achievement
Darrell Morris
Janet Bloodgood
Jan Perney

Teaching Multiplication: An Analysis of Elementary School Mathematics Teachers’ Manuals from Japan and the United States
Tad Watanabe

Promoting a Collaborative Professional Culture in Three Elementary Schools That Have Beaten the Odds
David Strahan

Learning to Teach toward Standard-Based Writing Instruction: Experiences of Two Preservice Teachers and Two Mentors in an Urban, Multicultural Classroom
Jian Wang
Sandra L. Odell


31. Volume 104 Number 1 September 2003

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Reading Growth in High-Poverty Classrooms: The Influence of Teacher Practices That Encourage Cognitive Engagement in Literacy Learning
Barbara M. Taylor
P. David Pearson
Debra S. Peterson
Michael C. Rodriguez

Schools as Organizational Models: Implications for Examining School Effectiveness
James Griffith

Restructuring Routine Parent-Teacher Conferences: The Family-School Conference Model
Kathleen M. Minke
Kellie J. Anderson

Motivational Climates in Ten Teachers’ Elementary Physical Education Classes: An Achievement Goal Theory Approach
Ping Xiang
Ron E. McBride
Melinda A. Solmon


32. Volume 103 Number 5 May 2003

Understandings, Beliefs, and Reported Decision Making of First-Year Teachers from Different Reading Teacher Preparation Programs
Beth Maloch
Amy Seely Flint
Deborah Eldridge
Janis Harmon
Rachelle Loven
Joyce C. Fine
Mona Bryant-Shanklin
Miriam Martinez

A Comparison of Teacher-Directed versus Peer-Assisted Instruction to Struggling First-Grade Readers
Patricia G. Mathes
Joseph K. Torgesen
Jeanine Clancy-Menchetti
Kristi Santi
Karen Nicholas
Carol Robinson
Marica Grek

Guiding Three Middle School Students in Learning Written Academic Discourse
Cynthia H. Brock
Taffy E. Raphael

Family Help and Homework Management Reported by Middle School Students
Jianzhong Xu
Lyn Corno

Elementary School Leadership Strategies and Subject Matter: Reforming Mathematics and Literacy Instruction
Patricia Burch
James P. Spillane



Index to Volume 103

33. Volume 103 Number 4 March 2003

Mary McCaslin

Promoting Self-Regulating Reading and Writing at Home and School
Nancy E. Perry
Carla J. Nordby
Karen O. Vandekamp

When Elementary School Students Are Harassed by Peers: A Self-Regulative Perspective on Help Seeking
Richard S. Newman

Teacher Discourse and Sixth Graders’ Reported Affect and Achievement Behaviors in Two High-Mastery/High-Performance Mathematics Classrooms
Julianne C. Turner
Debra K. Meyer
Carol Midgley
Helen Patrick

Teachers as Sources of Middle School Students’ Motivational Identity: Variable-Centered and Person-Centered Analytic Approaches
Tamera B. Murdock
Angela Miller

Engaged Participation versus Marginal Nonparticipation: A Stridently Sociocultural Approach to Achievement Motivation
Daniel T. Hickey


34. Volume 103 Number January 2003

Effectiveness of Supplemental Reading Instruction for Second-Grade English Language Learners with Reading Difficulties
Sylvia Linan-Thompaon
Sharon Vaughn
Peggy Hickman-Davis
Kamiar Kouzekanani

How Nine Third-Grade Teachers Motivate Student Academic Engagement
Sara E. Dolezal
Lindsey Mohan Welsh
Michael Pressley
Melissa M. Vincent

Vocabulary Instruction throughout the Day in Twenty-Three Canadian Upper-Elementary Classrooms
Judith Jamieson-Noel
Marlene Asselin

Curriculum Materials as a Professional Development Tool: How a Mathematics Textbook Affected Two Teachers’ Learning
Rachel Collopy


35. Volume 103 Number 2 November 2002

Linda S. Levstik

Learning and Teaching about Cultural Universals in Primary-Grade Social Studies
Jere Brophy
Janet Alleman

Beyond Expanding Horizons: New Curriculum Directions for Elementary Social Studies
Rahima Wade

Fifth Graders Investigating History in the Classroom: Results from a Researcher-Practitioner Desidn Experiment
Bruce A. VanSledright

“Oh, That’s a Tricky Piece!”: Children, Mediated Action, and the Tools of Historical Time
Keith C. Barton

Artistic Representations in Three Fifth-Grade Social Studies Textbooks
Barbara McKean

How Eighth Graders in England and the United States View Historical Significance
Elizabeth Anne Yeager
Stuart J. Foster
Jennifer Greer


36. Volume 103 Number September 2002

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

Teacher Feedback, Writing Assignment Quality, and Third-Grade Students’ Revision in Lower-and Higher-Achieving Urban District
Mark L. Fermanich

A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Teaching Mathematics to Low-Achieving Students
Scott Baker
Russell Gersten
Dae-Sik Lee

Cooperative Learning in Elementary Classrooms: Teaching Practices and Lesson Characteristics
Edmund T. Emmer
Mary Claire Gerwels


37. Volume 102 Number 5 May 2002

A Multilevel Analysis of the Relation of School Learning and Social Environments to Minority Achievement in Public Elementary Schools
James Griffith

The Relation of Global First-Grade Classroom Environment to Structural Classroom Features and Teacher and Student Behaviors
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Early Child Care Research Network

Problems in Developing a Constructivist Approach to Teaching: One Teachers’ Transition from Teacher Preparation to Teaching
Leslie Susan Cook
Peter Smagorinsky
Pamela G. Fry
Bonnie Konopak
Cynthia Moore

Literacy Teaching and Learning in Two Kindergarten Classrooms in a School Labeled At-Risk
Diane Barone



Index to Volume 102

38. Volume 102 Number 4 March 2002

School Improvement Plans in Elementary and Middle Schools on Probation
Heinrich Mintrop
Ann Merck MacLellan

Parents’ Social Networks and Beliefs as Predictors of Parent Involvement
Steven B. Sheldon

School Personnel’s Perceptions of Effective Programs for Working with Mobile Students and Families
Teresa A. Fisher
Linda Matthews
Mary E. Stafford
Kathryn Nakagawa
Katie Durante

Sixth Graders’ Views of Activities That Do and Do Not Help Them Learn
John G. Freeman
Jean C. McPhail
Julie A. Berndt


39. Volume 102 Number January 2002

How Introverts versus Extroverts Approach Small-Group Argumentative Discussions
E. Michael Nussbaum

An Aesthetic (Deweyan) Perspective on Science Learning: Case Studies of Three Fourth Graders
Mark Girod
David Wong

The Relation of Kindergarten Classroom Environment to Teacher, Family, and School Characteristics and Child Outcomes
Robert C. Pianta
Karen M. La Paro
Chris Payne
Martha J. Cox
Robert Bradley

Canadian Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Characteristics That Support or Inhibit Help Seeking
Lucy Le Mare
Elahe Shbat

Six Expert and Student Teachers’ Views and Implementation of Constructivist Teaching Using a Movement Approach to Physical Education
Weiyun Chen


40. Volume 101 Number 5 May 2001

Enhancing Kindergartners’ Mathematical Development: Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies
Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Kathy Karns

Elementary and Middle School Students’ Perceptions of Violence-Prone School Subcontexts
Ron Avi Astor
Heather Ann Meyer
Ronald O. Pitner

Effects of Reform-Based Mathematics Instruction on Low Achievers in Five Third-Grade Classrooms
Juliet A. Baxter
John Woodward
Deborah Olson

Teacher Management of the Learning Environment during a Social Studies Discussion in a New-Entrant Classroom in New Zealand
Adrienne Alto-Lee
Cathy Diggins
Lena Klenner
Elaine Vine
Ngaio Dalton

Second Graders’ Perceptions of What Is Important in Writing
Raylene Kos
Cheryl Maslowski



Index to Volume 101

41. Volume 101 Number 3 January 2001

Meta-Analyses in Learning Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Issue
Russell Gersten
Sharon Vaughn

Teaching Expression Writing to Students with Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis
Russell Gersten
Scott Baker

Technology Applications for Students with Literacy Problems: A Critical Review
Charles A. MacArthur
Ralph P. Ferretti
Cynthia M. Okolo
Albert R. Cavalier

School-Based Interventions to Enhance the Self-Concept of Students with Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis
Batya Elbaum
Sharon Vaughn

Research on Interventions for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Related to Higher-Order Processing
H. Lee Swanson

Commentary: Four Meta-Analyses and Some General Observations
Joanna P. Williams

42. Volume 101 Number 2 November 2000

Effectiveness Schools and Accomplished Teachers: Lessons about Primary-Grade Reading Instruction in Low-Income Schools
Barbara M. Taylor
P. David Pearson
Kathleen Clark
Sharon Walpole

School Reform through a Highly Specified Curriculum: Implementation and Effects of the Core Knowledge Sequence
Amanda Datnow
Geoffrey Borman
Sam Stringfield

Pedagogies of Self in American and Japanese Early Childhood Education: A Critical Conceptual Analysis
Daine M. Hoffman

Process Writing in the Classrooms of Eleven Fifth-Grade Teachers with Different Orientations to Teaching and Learning
Marjorie Y. Lipson
James Mosenthal
Patricia Daniels
Haley Woodside-Jiron

Identifying Reliable Generalizations for Spelling Words: The Importance of Multilevel Analysis
Mary Abbott


43. Volume 101 Number 1 September 2000

Editorial Statement
Thomas L. Good

A Proposal for Improving Classrooms Teaching: Lessons from the TIMSS Video Study
James Hiebert
James W. Stigler

A Meta-Analysis of Studies Examining the Effect of Whole Language Instruction on the Literacy of Low-SES Students
William H. Jeynes
Stephen W. Littell

School Climate as Group Evaluation and Group Consensus: Student and Parent Perceptions of the Elementary School Environment
James Griffith

Kindergarten Teachers’ Reported Use of Kindergarten to First Grade Transition Practices
Karen M. La Paro
Robert Pianta
Martha Coz

Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Graders’ Preferred Writing Topics and Identification of Gender Markers in Stories
Shelly Peterson

School District Parent Involvement Policies and Programs
Susan L. Kessler-Sklar
Amy J. L. Baker


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