Educational Research (Record no. 90347)

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International Standard Serial Number 00131881
Transcribing agency UG
Classification number LB1028
Title Educational Research
Place of publication, distribution, etc United Kingdom
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Routledge
Extent Vol.
Current publication frequency thrice yearly
501 ## - WITH NOTE
With note Contents

1. Volume 56 Number 4 December 2014

Adolescents’ psychological well-being and self-esteem in the context of relationships at school
Maria Sarkova, Maria Bacikova-Sleskova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Zuzana Katreniakova
Wim van den Heuvel, Jitse P. van Dijk

Group size and organizational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective
Sonja Sheridan, Pia Williams, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson

An exploration of undergraduate students’ views on the effectiveness of academic and pastoral support
Jo Cahill, Jan Bowyer, Sue Murray

Easy, collaborate and engaging – the use of cloud computing in the design of management classrooms
Dirk Schneckenberg

Student – adult mentoring relationships: experiences from a Scottish school-based programme
Peter Mtika, Frances Payne

The importance of networks for newly qualified teachers in upper secondary education
Gunnar Engvik

Reviewers who have given help in 2013-14

2. Volume 56 Number 2 June 20014

Gender and educational achievement
Andreas Hadjar, Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt, Karin Priem, Sabine Glock

Females in science: a contradictory concept?
Ruth Watts

The construction of ‘female citizens’: a socio-historical analysis of girls’ education in Luxembourg
Catherina Schreiber

How gender became sex: mapping the gendered effects of sex-group categorization onto pedagogy, policy and practice
Gabrielle Ivinson

Troubling discourses on gender and education
Elina Lahelma

Reversal of gender differences in educational attainment: an historical analysis of the West German case
Rolf Becker

The gendered interplay between success and well-being during transitions
Robin Samuel

How gender differences in academic engagement relate to students’ gender identity
Ursula Kessels, Anke Heyder, Martin Latsch’ Bettina Hannover

Gender differences in school success: what are the roles of students’ intelligence, personality and motivation?
Birgit Spinath
Christine Eckert, Ricarda Steinmayr

Teacher evaluation of student ability: what roles do teacher gender, student gender, and their interaction play?
Katarina Krkovic, Samuel Greiff, Sirkku Kupiainen, Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen, Jarkko Hautamaki

3. Volume 56 Number 1 March 2014

Transition to higher education: the role of initiation practices
Diana Dias, Maria Jose Sa

Examining communication privacy management in the middle school classroom: perceived gains and consequences
Renee Kaufmann, Derek Lane

‘I’m teaching, but I’m not really a teacher’. Teaching assistants and the construction of professional identities in Hong Kong schools
John Trent

Addressing bullying problems in Irish schools and in Cyberspace: a challenge for school management
Lucie Corcoran, Conor Mc Guckin

Student identity development in higher education: implications for graduate attributes and work-readiness
Jeannie Daniels, Jennifer Brooker

International mindedness in an Asian context: the case of the International Baccalaureate in Hong Kong
Chun Lai
Mark S.K. Shum, Bennan Zhang

Reconceptualizing out-of-field teaching: experiences of rural teachers in Western Australia
Elaine Denise Sharplin

Book review
Call for papers

4. Volume 55 Number 4 December 2013

Homework – is there a connection with classroom assessment? A review from Sweden
Max Strandberg

Gender differences in computer- and instrumental-based musical composition
Kagari Shibazaki, Nigel A. Marshall

Characteristics of teacher-identified students with special educational needs in Dutch mainstream primary education
M. Bruggink, S.L. Goei, H.M. Koot

Implementation of anti-bullying lessons in primary classrooms: how important is head teacher support?
Annarilla Ahtola, Anne Haataja, Antti Karna, Elisa Poskiparta, Christina Salmivalli

An investigation of the reliability of marking of the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum English writing tests in England
Qingping He, Steve Anwyll, Matthew Glanville, Angela Deavall

Measuring school climate: an overview of measurement scales
Diane Kohl, Sophie Recchia, Georges Steffgen

Citizenship education: the feasibility of a participative approach
L.J.F. Guerin, P.A. van der Ploeg, P.H.M. Sins

Research note
Neuromyths in education: what is fact and what is fiction for Portuguese teachers?
Joana Rodrigues Rato, Ana Maria Abreu, Alexander Castro-Caldas

Theatre of the Commons: a theatrical injury into the democratic engagement of former refugee families in Canadian public high school communities
J. Alysha Sloane, Dawn Wallin

Book review

Reviewers/referees who given help in 2012/2013

5. Volume 55 Number 3 September 2013

Using calibrated exemplars in the teacher-assessment of writing: an empirical study
Sandra A. Heldsinger, Stephen M. Humphry

The use of training days: finding time for teachers’ professional development
Sara Bubb, Peter Earley

Community cohesion in post-16 education: principles and practice
Andrew Holden

Developing the use of diagrammatic representations in primary mathematics through professional development
Patrick Barmby
David Bolden, Stephanie Raine, Lynn Thompson

The impact of task difficulty and performance scores on student engagement and progression
Raymond Lynch
James Vincent Patten, Jennifer Hennessy

Exploring the views of parents of high ability children living in relative poverty
Valsa Koshy, Joanna Brown, Deborah Jones, Carole Portman Smith

Book review

6. Volume 55 Number 2 June 2013

Value for money in education
Steve Bradley, Ben Durbin

The role of education in economic growth: theory, history and current returns
Theodore R. Breton

Educational attainment across the UK nations: performance, inequality and evidence
Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally, Gill Wyness

A needle in a haystack: a search for value for money in turnaround strategies for schools in difficult circumstances
Constance Khupe, Kevin Balkwill
Ruksana Osman, Ann Cameron

Working longer makes students stronger? The effects of ninth grade classroom hours on ninth grade student performance
Vibeke Myrup Jensen

The school choice market in China: a case study
Wu Xiaoxin

7. Volume 55 Number 1 March 2013

The influence of teachers’ teaching approaches on students’ learning approaches: the student perspective
Simon AJ. Beausaert, M.S.R. Segers, Danique P.A. Wiltink

Cameos, supporting roles and stars: citation and reflection in the context of initial teacher education
Jonathan Hughes

The development of a questionnaire on metacognition for students in higher education
Joost Meijer, Peter Sleegers, Marianne Elshout-Mohr, Maartje van Daalen-Kapteijns, Wil Meeus
Dirk Tempelaar

Research note
Teacher education budget cuts in Romania and the US: points of contrast and comparison
B. Ives, M. Alama, C.L. Mosora

Enhancing student engagement in student experience surveys: a mixed methods study
Martin Webber, Siobhan Lynch, Jennifer Oluku

Assessing wellbeing at school entry using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: professional perspectives
Jane White , Graham Connelly, Lucy Thompson, Phil Wilson

Routes towards Portuguese higher education: students’ preferred of feasible choices?
Orlanda Tavares

Book review

Call for papers

8. Volume 54 Number 4 December 2012

Teenagers’ web questions compared with a sexuality curriculum: an exploration
Juliette D.G. Goldman, Lisa E. McCutchen

More than canons: teacher knowledge and the literary domain of the secondary English curriculum
John Gordon

Teaching assistants’ roles in daily mathematics lessons
Jenny Houssart

Teachers’ professional development: a theoretical review
May Britt Postholm

Flemish primary teachers’ use of school performance feedback and the relationship with school characteristics
Jan Vanhoof, Goedele Verhaeghe, Peter Van Petegem, Martin Valcke

Intercultural education? An analysis of Cypriot educational policy
Christina Hajisoteriou

Mastery goal, value and self-concept: what do they predict?
Alexander S. Yeung, Rhonda G. Craven, Gurvinder Kaur

Referees who have given help in 2011/12

9. Volume 54 Number 3 September 2012

Outcomes and process in reading tutoring
K.J. Topping , A. Thurston , K. McGavock, N. Conlin

Pupil and teacher perceptions of community action: an English context
Ian Durrant, Andrew Peterson, Elizabeth Hpult , Linda Leith

Educational professionals’ values: voices from secondary schools in England
Roz Sunley, Rachel Locke

Exploring intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation among very good and very poor readers
Sarah P. McGeown, Roger Norgate, Amy Warhurst

Research note
Predicting success on a Bachelor of Arts Primary Education degree course
Patrick Barmby, David Bolden, Steve Higgins, Peter Tymms

Class size and language learning in Hong Kong: the students’ perspective
Gary James Harfitt

Young people whose parents are separated od divorced: a case for researching their experiences at the intersection of home and school
Judith Beausang, Ann Farrell, Kerryann Walsh

10. Volume 54 Number 2 June 2012

Teacher education in the global financial crisis (GFC) – where has the shoe pinched?
Joan Stephenson, Lorraine Ling

Charting teacher education policy in the Republic of Ireland with particular reference to the impact of economic recession
Marie Clarke , Maureen Killeavy

Crises as catalysts for change: re-energising teacher education in Northern Ireland
Anne Moran

Teacher education in Scotland – riding out the recession?
Ian Menter, Moira Hulme

Approaches to professional development of teachers in Scotland: pedagogical innovation or financial necessity?
Kay Livingston

Teacher workforce planning: the interplay of market forces and government policies during a period of economic uncertainty
J. Howson, O. McNamara

State intervention and teacher education for vocational educators in England and Scotland
James Avis, Roy Canning, Roy Fisher, Brenda Morgan-Klein, Robin Simmons

Choosing teaching in Hong Kong: a strategy to survive the financial crisis?
Janet Draper

Teacher education, the global financial crisis, frogs and bicycles
Lorraine Ling

Rationality and rationalization in teacher education policy discourse in New Zealand
John O’Neill

11. Volume 54 Number 1 March 2012

What is a doctorate? A concepts-mapped analysis of process versus product in the supervision of lab-based PhDs
Camille B. Kandiko, Ian M. Kinchin

Developing a Second Life virtual field trip for university students: an action research approach
Shane Mathews, Lynda Andrews, Edwina Luck

‘Maybe I’m not as good as I think I am’. How qualification users interpret their examination results
Suzanne Chamberlain

What accounts for the underachievement of South Asians in Hong Kong? The voices of Pakistani and Nepalese parents
Linda Tsung, Fang Gao

The changing patterns of individual and school effects on educational transitions. Evidence from Catalan data (Spain)
Ricard Benito, Miquel Angel Alegre

On-demand testing and maintaining standards for general qualifications in the UK using item response theory: possibilities and challenges
Qingping He

Book review

Call for papers

12. Volume 51 Number 4 December 2009

How social and critical constructivism can inform science curriculum design: a study from South Africa
Michele Stears

Understanding the real barriers to technology-enhanced innovation in higher education
Dirk Schneckenberg

Empirical study
Concept map structure, gender and teaching methods: an investigation of students’ science learning
Sabine Gerstner, Franz X. Bogner

Classroom talk: co-constructing a ‘difficult student’
Nelson Graff

Book review

Contents and author index, volume 51, 2009

List of referees for 2008/09

13. Volume 51 Number 3 September 2009

Stories to tell? Narrative tools in museum education texts
Sue Glover Frykman

Who withdraws from initial teacher preparation programmes and why?
Andrew J. Hobson, Marina-Stefania Giannakaki, Gary N. Chambers

Newspaper in Education: a critical inquiry into the effects of using newspapers as teaching agents
Ellen Claes, Ellen Quintelier

Students’ attitudes towards history: does self-identity matter?
Rhys Andrews, Catherine McGlynn, Andrew Mycock

Teaching word recognition to children with severe learning difficulties: an exploratory comparison of teaching methods
Kieron Sheehy

Book Sheehy

Book review

14. Volume 51 Number 2 June 2009

National curriculum assessment in England: how well has it worked? Perspectives from the UK, Europe and beyond
Chris Whetton

A brief history of a testing time: national curriculum assessment in England 1989-2008
Chris Whetton

Determining validity in national curriculum assessments
Gordon Stobart

The reliability of results from national curriculum testing in England
Paul E. Newton

The development and consequences of national curriculum assessment for primary education in England
Dominic Wyse, Harry Torrance

Considering alternatives to national assessment arrangements in England: possibilities and opportunities
Sylvia Green
Tim Oates

National curriculum assessment in Wale: adaptions and divergence
Richard Daugherty

The English national curriculum assessment system: a commentary from Northern Ireland
Jannette Elwood

National curriculum assessment in England – a Swedish perspective
Christina Wikstorm

The English national curriculum assessment: a commentary from the USA – or exhibiting kindness to the colonies
W. James Popham

Investigation of the factors affecting the pre-test effect in national curriculum science assessment development in England
Katie Pyle, Emily Jones, Chris Williams, Jo Morrison

15. Volume 51 Number 1 March 2009

The importance of homework in determining immigrant students’ grades in schools in the USA context
Hee Jin Bang, Carola Suarez-Orozco, Juliana Pakes, Erin O’Connor

Elementary school pupils’ evaluations of the malleability of their academic abilities
Kati Kasanen, Hannu Raty, Anna-Leena Eklund

Active citizenship: a preliminary study into student teacher understandings
Andrew Peterson, Catherine Knowles

Musical creativity in Slovenian elementary schools
Janja Cracinovic Rozman

The role of attribution beliefs, motivation and strategy use in Chinese fifth-graders’ reading comprehension
Yin-Kum Law

Teacher self-perceptions of effectiveness: a study in a district of Kenya
Henry Onderi, Paul Croll

Designing your sample efficiently: clustering effects in education surveys
Dougal Hutchison

Book review

Call for papers

16. Volume 50 Number 4 December 2008

Group composition and its effect on female and male problem-solving in science education
Egbert Harskamp, Ning Ding, Cor Suhre

What do GCSE examiners think of ‘thinking aloud’? findings from an exploratory study
Jackie Greatorex, W. M. Irenka Suto

School bulling as a creator of pupil peer pressure
Paivi Hamarus, Pauli Kaikkonen

The impact of teachers factors on achievement and behavioral outcomes of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a review of the literature
Jody Sherman, Carman Rasmussen, Lola Baydala

Portfolio as a mean of promoting autonomous learning in teacher education: a quasi-experimental study
Wil Meeus, Peter Van Petegem, Joost Meijer

Assessing learning dispositions: is the Effective lifelong learning inventory valid and reliable as a measurement tool?
Ruth Deakin Crick, Guoxing Yu

Towards a framework for school-to-school networking in challenging circumstances
Christopher Chapman

Book reviews

Contents and author index, volume 50, 2008

List of referees for 2007/08

17. Volume 50 Number 3 September 2008

Lectures’ self-perception of change in their teaching approaches: reflections on a qualitative study
Roisin Donnelly

A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents’ experience related to cyberbullying
Qing Li

Socioeconomic background, gender and subject choice in secondary schooling
Peter Davies, Shqiponje Telhaj, David Hutton, Nick Adnett, Robert Coe

Children of drug-dependent parents: prevention programme outcomes
Carmen Orte, Carmen Touza , Llusi Ballester, Marti March

Can emphasizing cognitive development improve academic achievement?
Robert Pasnak, Julie K. Kidd, Marinka K. Gadzichowski, Deborah A. Gallington, Robin P. Saracina

Do parents know they matter? Engaging all parents in learning
Alma Harris, Janet Goodall

Student teachers’ understanding of policy behavioral directives concerning the reporting of child sexual abuse: findings from one Australian state
Juliette D.G. Goldman, Peter Grimbeek

18. Volume 50 Number 2 June 2008

Education and neuroscience
Paul A. Howard-Jones

Neuromythologies in education
John Geake

Reading, dyslexia and the brain
Usha Goswami

How should educational neuroscience conceptualize the relation between cognition and brain function? Mathematical reasoning process
Sashank Varma, Daniel L. Schwartz

Dyscalculia: neuroscience and education
Liane Kaufmann

What are the implications of neuroscience for musical education?
Lauren Stewart, Aaron Williamon

Co-constructing of creativity in drama education that draws on neuropsychological concepts
Paul A. Howard-Jones, M. Winfield, G. Crimmins

Book reviews

19. Volume 50 Number 1 March 2008

Fifty years on: contrasts and connections in Educational Research Felicity Fletcher-Campbell and Frances Brill

Management of bullying in Northern Ireland schools: a pre-legislative survey
Conor McGuckin, Christopher Alan Lewis

A model of achievement and bulling: analyses of the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth and Youth data
Tanya N. Beran, Ginger Hughes, Judy Lupart

Moving on from free school meals: national census data can describe the socio-economic background of the intake of each school in England
B. Styles

Early childhood intervention and early adolescent social and emotional competence: second-generation evaluation evidence from the Chicago Longitudinal Study
Michael D. Niles, Arthur J. Reynolds, Dominique Roe-Sepowitz

Graphic abilities in relation to mathematical and scientific ability in adolescents
Fotini Stavridou, Domna Kakana

Tales of the expected: the influence of students’ expectations on question validity and implications for writing exam questions
Victoria Crisp, Ezekiel Sweiry, Ayesha Ahmed, Alastair Pollitt

Call for papers

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