1. The crisis of identity :   Publication: Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) : Naaman, 1985 . 190 p. : , Includes index. Date:1985 Availability: Copies available: Turkeyen Campus Education & Humanities [PQ3944 .C38 1985] (1), Actions: Add to cart
2. Who slashed celanire's throat? :   Publication: New York : Atria Bks., 2002 . 232 p. , This story was inspired by an event that took place in guadeloupe in 1995, when a baby was found with her throat slashed on a heap of garbage. The incident sarked the imagination of many throughout the island, mine included. Date:2002 Availability: Copies available: Turkeyen Campus Processing Center [PQ3949.2.C65 C66] (1), Actions: Add to cart