Business Horizons / - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Elsevier Inc., 2008. - [iv], 100 p. : ill., charts - 6

Business Horizons

Volume 51, Number 3 May-June 2008

Editor's Perspective
When in France, do as the French...?
Catherine M. Dalton 161

Executive Digests
Services marketing
Leslie M. Fine 163

We've got the power! How customer power
affects supply chain relationships
Barbara B. Flynn, Xiande Zhao, Baofeng Huo,
and Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung 169

Women growing businesses: Clearing the hurdles
Candida G. Brush and Elizabeth J. Gatewood 175

Featured Articles
Lessons learned from renewable electricity
marketing attempts: A case study
Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Angela Paladino,
and Sergio Antonio G. Apostol, Jr. 181

Strategies to detect and reduce counterfeiting
Barry Berman 191

The business case for commitment to diversity
Stanley F. Slater, Robert A. Weigand, and
Thomas J. Zwirlein 201

Critical competitive strategy issues every
entrepreneur should consider before going into
Allan Davis and Eric M. Olson 211

Auditors gone wild: The "other" problem in
public accounting
Ronald Jelinek and Kate Jelinek 223

Best value supply chains: A key competitive
weapon for the 21st century
David J. Ketchen, Jr., William Rebarick,
G. Tomas M. Hult, and David Meyer 235

the role of accounting information in revenue
Ronald J. Huefner and James A. Largay III 245

BOoks on the horizon by Mimi Dollinger
It's Your Ship: Management techniques from the
Best Damn Ship in the Navy
D. Michael Abrashoff 257

The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of
Lazard Freres & Co.
William D. Cohan 258

The age of turbulence : Adventures in a New World
Alan Greenspan 259

Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and
Creative destruction
Thomas K. McCraw 260


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